

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. Mary R. Bachvarova (Associate Professor of Classics)

~ From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian Background of Greek Epic and Prayer

A research and writing project with the goal of completing a book manuscript focused on understanding Greek epic and early lyric poetry, using Hittite texts as comparanda. The book is envisioned as the first in a series that will elucidate the prehistory of ancient Greek culture.

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. Sammy Basu (Associate Professor of Politics)

~ ‘The Part of You that Wanted to Tell the Jokes’: Plato’s Republic and Talking about Justice in Jest

A research and writing project with the goal of producing the first, foundational chapter for a book manuscript on humor and deliberative democracy.

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Professor Scott Pike (Assistant Professor of Environmental and Earth 快活视频s and Archaeology)

~ Dynamic Landscapes: The Sangro Valley Project and Willamette University

A summer excavation and research project intended to integrate geomorphological studies into the interpretative paradigm of the Sangro Valley landscape archaeology project. A secondary goal of the project was to establish Willamette University as a sponsoring institution of the Sangro Valley Project and to establish a summer archaeological field school for Willamette students.

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. David McCreery (Professor of Religious Studies and Archaeology) and Dr. Xijuan Zhou (Associate Professor of Religious Studies)

~ Beliefs and Ritual Reflected at the Xiaohe Excavation

A preliminary field research trip to China intended as the first step in a collaborative research project relating to the study of beliefs and rituals reflected in the Xiaohe excavation and at other archaeological sites in the Turfan and Ili regions that are equally important.

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Willamette University

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

Gatke Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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