

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. Mary Bachvarora (Associate Professor of Classics)

~ The Oral Background of Hurro-Hittite Narrative Song

A summer research project consisting of two papers on interconnected topics that are a by-product of her book, From Hittite to Homer. One paper was published in Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, an internationally recognized journal, while the other was presented at the Eighth International Conference of Hittitology in Warsaw, Poland and published shortly thereafter.

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. Andries Fourie (Associate Professor of Art)

~ Investigating Ancient Southern San Rock Art from Namibia: Realism and Abstraction as a Means of Communicating a Connection to the Natural World

Department of Art

A project that included studying ancient San rock art in Namibia. Fourie also taught a sculpture workshop at the University of Namibia in Windhoek. Works have been exhibited at the Katutura Art Center in Windhoek, Namibia, and at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art.

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. Ortwin Knorr (Associate Professor of Classics)

~ The Self-defeating Trickster: Metageneric Humor in Terence's Heautontimorumenos (The Self-Tormentor)

A summer project that resulted in the creation of an article manuscript that explores the role of Syrus, the scheming slave in Terence's comedy Heautontimorumenos.

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. Scott Pike (Associate Professor of Environmental and Earth 快活视频s and Archaeology)

~ The Acropolis Marble Project

A study of the marbles used in the construction of the Parthenon and Propylaea atop the Athenian Acropolis. Professor Pike hopes to identify the precise quarries from which different elements of the monuments originated to improve our understanding of how these magnificent buildings came to be.

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Willamette University

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

Gatke Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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