

Centers of Excellence

Willamette is a leader and national resource on topics ranging from Asian studies and archeology to public policy and democracy. Our five centers of excellence foster collaborative research and exploration by faculty, students and the greater community.

Waller Hall

Each center’s success relies on a team of interdisciplinary experts, who collaborate with community and academic organizations to host symposia and lectures, develop curriculum and fund internships. The centers also support faculty and student research, often resulting in published papers in leading scholarly journals and presentations to groups around the world.

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

The Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (CASA) strives to promote scholarly research to enhance our knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of ancient cultures. By combining their expertise, faculty members representing more than a dozen disciplines formed a program rich with collaboration, critical exploration and interdisciplinary scholarship.

Center for Asian Studies

The Center for Asian Studies uses region-based research and scholarship, curriculum innovation and co-curricular programming to integrate and develop the Asian and Asian American resources on campus. The center creates cross-campus and interdisciplinary opportunities for faculty development, student-faculty collaboration and community outreach, in addition to serving as a locus for regional, national and international collaboration between academic and community organizations.

Center for the Study of Religion, Law & Democracy

The Center for Religion, Law and Democracy is an interdisciplinary center devoted to exploring the role of religion in law and in public life. The center draws on Willamette’s historic and ongoing strengths as a church-related college committed to academic excellence and public service, as well as its location adjacent to the Oregon State Capitol.

Sustainability Institute

The Sustainability Institute was established in 2013 as part of Willamette’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and sustainable practices — impacting the environment and the economy through opportunities that support education and equality.

Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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