

Faculty Fellowship Opportunities

CASA Faculty Fellowships support and encourage active scholarship and continuing professional development. Through this program CASA affirms that research, enhancement of teaching, and other forms of continuing professional development are essential for sustaining the vitality of the university's curricula in classical studies, promoting its academic reputation, and contributing to the body of knowledge in disciplines, professions, and interdisciplinary fields of study devoted to ancient studies. The program provides funding for projects selected through a competitive review process. Awards up to $2,500 are granted in order to support scholarship and professional development projects that require substantial time and or expense. In particular, the CASA program supports two types of new or emerging professional activity:

  • Research and Scholarship Projects: Such projects may include new research initiatives, a new and different phase of a continuing research project, scholarly publication, and artistic activity.
  • Professional Development Projects: Awards for professional enhancement allow faculty to expand competence within their current specialization or to obtain training in a new area or field. If the proposal is to develop knowledge and skills in a new area or field, the purpose must relate to the faculty member’s research topics or areas of teaching.

CASA faculty fellowships do not support:

  • Research or professional development projects that are already funded by other sources. CASA funds are used to fund projects not already supported by external grants or by other internal Willamette grants or programs. In cases where a portion of a project is already funded by another source, one must make the case that the proposal represents a different and currently unfunded phase of one’s current research, scholarship or professional development.
  • CASA does not fund conference registration and travel. However, CASA faculty fellowships can be used to fund travel to conduct scholarly research.
  • Tuition toward degree granting programs.
  • Faculty members who have not submitted a final report for past projects supported by CASA.

Application Process

CASA invites proposals for faculty development projects for the next academic year.

Application Part I: CASA Faculty Fellowship Application Form

Proposals are due by 5:00 pm on February 16. Late applications are not accepted. Application forms must be submitted electronically (as attached .pdf files). Copies of proposals funded last year are available for review at the CASA office, located at 180 Church Street SE. Applications are reviewed by a selection committee consisting of three CASA core faculty members appointed by the CASA director. This committee expects to complete its review by mid-March and will notify applicants soon thereafter. Proposals must provide details sufficient for colleagues from a variety of disciplines to evaluate the usefulness and validity of your project. Methodologies or procedures commonly accepted in a particular field of study may need to be briefly explained.

CASA Faculty Fellowship Application

Applications are due electronically (as attached .pdf files) by 5:00 pm on February 16, 2016

Please return all materials to:

Leslie Whitaker
Administrative Assistant for the Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology
Center for Academic Excellence
Willamette University
900 State St. Salem, OR 97301

Application Part II: Willamette University Internal Funding Application

There is a new procedure with which faculty members must comply when applying for any kind of internal funding at Willamette University. In addition to the information required by the Center's application above, everyone must also submit an abbreviated version of their application through using the Willamette Internal Funding Database link.

  1. Click on “Apply for a Grant” from the list on your left (your name and department will appear)
  2. Select the funding body to which you are applying from a pull down menu,
  3. Enter your project name
  4. Enter a brief abstract
  5. Enter the total amount of funding requested under "Budget".

Funding Guidelines

  1. To be eligible for a CASA Faculty Fellowship award next year, a faculty member who received an award for the current year must submit a report at the time of the new application. The report must be submitted electronically on the CASA Faculty Fellowship Report Form (as an attached .pdf file).
  2. Although the committee will consider proposals from all college faculty, the following will be given priority:
    • Proposals from full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty.
    • Proposals from faculty who have not held a CASA award for both of the two previous years.
    • Proposals from faculty who do not have university start-up funds this coming summer.
    • Proposals from faculty who are not awarded other internal grants for the summer (Lilly, SCRP, Hewlett, Keck, etc.).
  3. Estimated travel, professional materials, honorarium, and other expenses must be specified in the project's budget. An honorarium may be requested for the full amount of the award ($2,500).
  4. Awards may be used to purchase equipment that is integral to a project.
  5. Projects involving human subject or animal research must be submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review prior to receipt of a CASA fellowship.
  6. Faculty Fellowship recipients must submit a report on the accomplishment of the project and an accounting of expenditures to CASA as soon as possible after its completion.

For your (temporary or final) reports, use the CASA Faculty Fellowship Report Form. Reports are due no later than May 30, 2016.

Evaluation Criteria

Criteria to be applied in the competitive evaluation of all proposals include the following:

  1. Clear statement of the purpose and rationale and the precise issue to be investigated or goal to be achieved;
  2. Well-planned approach to accomplishing the goal, including 1) statement of methodology, creative process, or other approach to the scholarship, 2) timetable, and 3) budget;
  3. Likelihood of publication, artistic exhibition, or presentation at a professional meeting (for research/scholarship awards); and
  4. Value of the project to CASA and the profession. If you have questions about the CASA Faculty Development Program, please contact Ortwin Knorr, CASA Director (oknorr@willamette.edu).

REMINDER: If you have a CASA Faculty Award this year and are applying for a new CASA Faculty Fellowship, you must submit an interim or final report to Ortwin Knorr, CASA Director (ext. 6029), by February 16, 2015.

Black CASA Logo

Important Information

Deadline: February 16, 2015

Applications are due electronically (as attached .pdf files) by 5:00 pm on February 16, 2015.

Please return all materials to:

Leslie Whitaker
Administrative Assistant for the Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology
Center for Academic Excellence
Willamette University
900 State St. Salem, OR 97301

Past Recipients of CASA Faculty Fellowships
Willamette University

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

Gatke Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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