

Faculty Fellowship Research Grant

Dr. Richardo De Mambro Santos (Associate Professor of Art History)

~The Pictorial Orator: A Critical Investigation on the Classical Roots of Leonardo da Vinci's Art Theory and Pedagogy

Awarded $2,500

Dr. De Mambro Santos will used his grant to cover expenses directly related to the period of study in Italy, where it will be possible to have access to primary sources, such as Leonardo's original manuscripts of the Codex Urbinas at the Vatican Library in Rome and the Codex Atlanticus at the Ambrosiana Library in Milan. The CASA financial research support will be used also to visit important Leonardo-related places in Italy, such as the Museo Leonardo in his native Vinci, near Lucca, or other localities like Borgo San Sepolcro, Citta' di Castello, Anghiari, Arezzo, and Urbino, in which paintings, drawings, or manuscripts made by or to the Renaissance master are preserved. The outcome of his research will result in contributing to his monographic volume on Leonardo da Vinci, publication of at least one scholarly article, public lectures, contributing to his course "ARTH 225 - Monographic Studies in Art History: Leonardo da Vinci", and the preparation of a short documentary, in collaboration with Salem-based CCTV, on Leonardo da Vinci.

Willamette University

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

Gatke Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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