

Welcome New Students!

Whether you intend to major in music or not, we welcome your participation in the music program at Willamette. There are many opportunities available to all students, regardless of musical background. 

Sign-up sheets for placement auditions are posted in the Rogers Music Center on the wall between rooms 110 & 111. 

Note: there is no online option to secure an audition/placement slot, so please visit the music building at any point during Opening Days to sign up in person.

Please carefully read the information for the area(s) of interest to you.

Music Theory Placement

Friday August 23, 2024 @ 2:30 pm
Rogers Music Center - Rehearsal Hall

Musicianship assessment for any student interested in taking a music theory course here at Willamette University. Students considering a major or minor on Music should definitely plan on attending this session.

Please download this letter (PDF) for more information.

A sample assessment is available (pdf).


Applied Lesson Information

You must register for lessons during the first week of classes.

Cost: 14 weekly lessons (one semester)

  • 30-minute lessons =  $375  
  • 60-minute lessons = $750
  • If lessons are discontinued during the first three weeks, a pro-rated refund for the lesson fee will be given. The deadline for a refund of lesson fees is exactly one week after the Registrar's official add-drop deadline each semester
  • A studio fee of $50 per semester (per student) for enrollment in Applied Lessons

Credit: Lessons have variable credits

  • 1 credit hour for 30-minute lessons
  • 2 credit hours for 60-minute lessons
  • When registering, you must edit the amount of credit in the Credits box. Do this PRIOR to clicking "submit" in order to sign up for the right amount of time.

Voice and Piano Lessons

  • Piano - Please contact Jean-David Coen (503) 881-8772 (cell) or email jcoen@willamette.edu
  • Voice - Please contact Hannah Penn (503) 370-6849 or email hpenn@willamette.edu

For study in voice or piano placement, an individual placement audition is required based on the schedule above or other arrangement. Beginners must also have a placement audition for assessment for the most appropriate lesson design.

  1. Sign up in Rogers Music Center (between rooms 110 & 111)
  2. Contact the appropriate faculty member (Piano or Voice) for further instructions.

For voice lesson placement, please bring a prepared song. An accompanist will be provided. The piece does not have to be memorized.
For piano lesson placement, please bring a prepared piece. The piece does not have to be memorized.

Studio Assignment and Lesson Schedule: On the day following your audition, your assignment will be posted outside the music office. It is your responsibility to contact the instructor and schedule your lessons during the first week of classes.

Instrumental Lessons

If you plan to register for lessons on one of the following instruments, please contact the professor directly by e-mail to arrange a time and get more information. Please have a schedule of your classes ready.

Instrument Professor Room Phone Email
Bass (acoustic/elec) Bill Athens 142 RMC wathens@willamette.edu
Bassoon Nicole Buetti 200 FAE 503-370-6939 nbuetti@willamette.edu
Cello Kathryn Brunhaver 101 FAE 503-370-6089 kbrunhaver@willamette.edu
Clarinet Isaac Beu 200 FAE 503-370-5498 ibeu@willamette.edu
Drum Set Ryan Biesack 147 FAW 503- 375-5349 rbiesack@willamette.edu
Flute Emily Stanek 207 FAE 503- 370-6452 estanek@willamette.edu
Guitar / Classical Mario Diaz 202 FAE 503- 370-6768 diazm@willamette.edu
Guitar / Electric Contact Prof. Miley 111 RMC 503-370-6873 jmiley@willamette.edu
Harp Kimberly Taylor 100 FAE 503- 370-6450 khouser@willamette.edu
Horn Mike Hettwer 103 FAE 503- 370-6961 mhettwer@willamette.edu
Jazz Piano / Vibraphone Mike Horsfall 142 RMC 503- 375-5497 mhorsfal@willamette.edu
Low Brass Graham Middleton 103 FAE 503- 370-6456 gmiddleton@willamette.edu
Oboe Catherine Lee 207 FAE 503- 375-5473 leec@willamette.edu
Organ Paul Klemme 221 FAE 503 370-6929 pklemme@willamette.edu
Percussion Contact Prof. Miley 111 RMC 503-370-6873 jmiley@willamette.edu
Saxophone Contact Prof. Miley 111 RMC 503-370-6873 jmiley@willamette.edu
Trumpet Scott Avzaradel 103 FAE 503- 370-6174 savzaradel@willamette.edu
Viola Daphne Gooch 503-370-6873 dgooch@willamette.edu
Violin Heather Mastel-Lipson 101 FAE (503) 370-6089 hmastellipson@willamette.edu

FAE - Fine Arts East
FAW - Fine Arts West
RMC - Mary Stuart Rogers Music Center

Ensemble Information

Instrumental Music

University Concert Band – M, W 2:50 - 4:20 pm, Rogers Rehearsal hall

The University Concert Band (UCB) is a large wind and percussion ensemble. This premier band performs music from a wide variety of styles, time periods, and traditions. Performances include two or three public concerts per semester. Open by audition to all Willamette University students. Auditions are held on the first two days of classes each semester in Room 110 of the Rogers Music Center. For the audition, prepare a short piece of music that best demonstrates technical ability and tone quality. Students will also be asked to sight-read a short music excerpt. Willamette University students who wish to participate but do not own a personal instrument may rent a school-owned instrument at a rate of $75 per semester. All questions may be forwarded to band-staff@willamette.edu.

Willamette Jazz Collective – T, TH 2:50 - 4:20pm (+ 1 hour sectional each week), Rogers Rehearsal Hall

The Willamette Jazz Collective performs the finest big band literature of the past and present, with particular emphasis on new music by leading composers in the field as well as contributions from emerging artists and student arrangers. As the flagship instrumental jazz ensemble at Willamette University, the WJC has shared the stage over the years with professional jazz artists such as Ron Miles, Tim Ries, and John Hollenbeck, and performs regularly both on and off campus each semester. Open by audition to all Willamette University students.

Jazz Combos – 2 hours rehearsal each week, TBA.

Jazz small groups are scheduled according to interest, improvisational ability of students, and availability of rhythm section players. Each ensemble performs on campus each semester as part of the Bistro jazz series. Open by audition to all Willamette University students.

University Chamber Orchestra – M,W 2:50 - 4:20 pm Rogers Rehearsal Hall

The University Chamber Orchestra (UCO) repertoire is comprised of music that encompasses many historical periods, cultural traditions, and compositional styles.  In addition to the usual concerts, the UCO performs at the Parents-Family Weekend concert (October) and during special holiday performances. The winner of the WU Concerto/Aria Competition is featured at the UCO spring concert. Open by audition to all Willamette University students. For the audition, prepare a short piece of music that best demonstrates technical ability and tone quality. Students will also be asked to sight-read a short music excerpt.

The Chamber Music Program

Instrumental chamber ensembles consist of string quartets, piano trios, the woodwind quintet, the baroque ensemble, the contemporary ensemble and the percussion ensemble. These groups meet for 2 hours a week—1 hour for coaching and 1 hour of rehearsal. In addition to performing each semester on campus, several of these ensembles perform off campus for the Camerata Musica series at the Salem Public Library.

Choral Music

Our choral and vocal arts program is structured to provide a wide variety of music opportunities to students who have backgrounds which range from limited experience to years of training. Most of our groups have at least 70% of their membership made up of non-Music majors. The audition for all choirs include (1) an interview; (2) singing scales to find your range; and (3) sight reading both melodies and rhythms.

Chamber Choir – M,W,F  4:30-6:00 pm, Hudson Hall

The Willamette Chamber Choir is an advanced mixed ensemble of approximately 40 students that performs regularly throughout the academic year. Chamber Choir performs music from all style periods, and typically focuses on more challenging repertoire. The choir generally tours annually, traveling throughout the country, and even internationally. Members of the Chamber Choir are expected to have advanced musicianship and sight-reading skills.

Voce – M, W, F 12:00 pm -1:00 pm, Hudson Hall

Voce is a medium-sized vocal ensemble that performs music written for treble voices. The ensemble is open to singers of all genders, backgrounds, and vocal experience. Voce performs in regular concerts throughout the year, and explores music of varied genres and styles from the Renaissance to present-day. The ensemble is inclusive, welcoming, and focuses on building vocal skills in a safe, supportive environment.

Willamette Singers – T,TH 1:10-2:40 pm, Rogers Rehearsal Hall

This group of 12 voices and jazz combo will concentrate on vocal jazz. Willamette Singers participates in a yearly tour and in recent years has traveled to Japan, Boston, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Chicago, Washington, Idaho, California and New York. Members must have significant experience in singing and/or instrument playing and are required to audition for entrance. Students interested in playing in the instrumental combo should audition during the special times for jazz instruments.


More Information

Questions about placements or the music program? Please call or email the Music Department at (503) 370-6255 / music-info@willamette.edu

Willamette University

Music Department

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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