

Department Highlights

Congratulations to our English department students and faculty on their achievements!

Looking for new podcasts? Check out Prof. Deulen's Monday night musings on "" including episodes about with Prof. Chasar and Prof. Nadelson talking .

2021 Highlights

Congratulations to Clara Nithiaparan for being awarded the 2021-2022 Duvall Humanities Scholarship.

Congratulations to the following students with their English department Academic Honors and Awards:

  • Claire Alongi — Hallie Brown Ford Award in Creative Writing
  • Kate Castellana — Hallie Brown Ford Award in Creative Writing
  • Alana Kelley — John Dryden Award
  • Lilian Painter — Mollie Mack Prize
  • Sophia Bunch — Mollie Mack Prize

Congratulations to the winners of the fifth annual Mark and Melody Teppola Prizes in Creative Writing at Willamette University.

Congratulations to the fourth annual Frank H. Newell prizes in short fiction selected by award-winning story writers.

2019 Highlights

Congratulations to senior English majors Alexa Anderson and Asalia Arauz who have accepted Teach for America positions in North Carolina and Los Angeles, respectively (April 2019).

Congratulations to English majors Alexa Anderson, Olivia Barry, Zora Driscoll, Sabrina George, and Kiana Cook, all of whom have been invited to join Phi Beta Kappa! (April 2019)

Congratulations to Prof. Andrea Stolowitz whose play Successful Strategies about love and winemaking in the Willamette Valley a 2019 Oregon Book Award! (April 2019)

Congratulations to Prof. Scott Nadelson whose has been named an Honor Book for the 2019 Jewish Fiction Award. (February 2019).

2018 Highlights

Prof. Roy Pérez awarded a  fellowship for his research on Latinx literature and performance. (December 2018) 

Prof. Roy Pérez honored by the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies for his first book manuscript, Proximities. (December 2018)

Prof. Stephanie DeGooyer named Frieda L. Miller Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University for the 2018-2019 academic year. (May 2018)

Senior English major Emily Sperber publishes a short story and a collection of haiku in Brandeis University's . (May 2018)

Junior English major Asalia Arauz publishes her poem in Johns Hopkins University's Zeniada magazine. (May 2018)

Prof. Roy Pérez named a visiting scholar at the UCLA for the 2018-19 academic year. (May 2018)

English major Kathryn Bordona awarded a Carson Scholarship to pursue her proposed project "'Ain't Nuthin' But a She Thing:' Sexuality as Social Liberation in the Medieval Songs of Trobairitz and Contemporary Hip-Hop Feminists" during the summer of 2018. (May 2018)

Congratulations to English majors Kevin Alexander, Johanna Lyon, Julia Oshiki, Bridgette Peirce, and Mikaela Renshaw, all of whom have been invited to join Phi Beta Kappa! (April 2018)

Check out Prof. DeGooyer's new book The Right to Have Rights, which features "five leading thinkers on the concept of 'rights' in an era of rightlessness" and is now out from Verso. (March 2018)

Congratulations to Professors Deulen (poetry) and Trapp (nonfiction) who have received two of 18 awarded statewide for 2018. (January 2018)

2017 Highlights

Congratulations to Gabriel Tallent ('10) on the publication of his first novel, . Make sure to also check out the great profile of Gabriel and My Absolute Darling that ran in the , where Alexandra Alter described the book as "poised to become the breakthrough debut of the year." (August 2017)

Congratulations to Gabriel Tallent ('10) on the publication of his first novel, . Make sure to also check out the great profile of Gabriel and My Absolute Darling that ran in the , where Alexandra Alter described the book as "poised to become the breakthrough debut of the year." (August 2017)

Congratulations to senior English major Taylor Barfield, who has been invited to join the Phi Beta Kappa Society and the Delta Chapter of Oregon! (April 2017)

Congratulations to senior Ari Wolf, who is heading to Mills College to pursue an MFA in Creative Writing (Creative Nonfiction) in the Fall of 2017! (April 2017)

Congratulations to senior Douglas Hochmuth, who is heading to Hanscom Air Force Base outside Boston to coach tennis and creative writing through Camp Adventure Youth Services! (April 2017)

English major Johanna Lyon awarded a Learning By Creating summer grant to pursue "Disability Aesthetic in Performance" under the supervision of Prof. Hobgood. (April 2017)

English major Molly Jones awarded a Carson Undergraduate Research Grant to pursue "Narratives and Counter-Narratives of South Korea's Orphans and Transnational Adoptees" under the supervision of Prof. Pérez. (April 2017)

English major Casey Dobbert awarded a Carson Undergraduate Research Grant to pursue "Sheep-stainability: An Examination of Sustainable Farming Practices within the Fiber Arts Community" under the supervision of Prof. Altman. (April 2017)

English major Olivia Barry awarded a Carson Undergraduate Research Grant to pursue "Shakespeare's Outsiders" under the supervision of Prof. Hobgood. (April 2017)

Rising sophomore Gia Dacayanan awarded a College Colloquium Student Research Grant to pursue "Philippine Gender Fuckers: Trans Filiipina Sex Workers Under Imperial Scrutiny" under the supervision of Prof. Pérez. (April 2017)

English majors Kevin Alexander, Eli Kerry, Owen Netzer, and Hailee Vandiver awarded a Summer 2017 Liberal Arts Research Collaborative grant to work with Professors Chasar and Susik (Art History) on "Copycats at Work and Play: Aura, Imitation, and Automation in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." (March 2017)

English major Eli Kerry co-authors two articles for Vice. Take a moment to read "" and "." (March 2017)

Congratulations to Professors Deulen, Nadelson, and Stolowitz, all three of whom have been nominated for 2017 ! (January 2017)

Prof. Stolowitz's new play Berlin Diary named a 2017 finalist in the (January 2017)

2016 Highlights

Read Prof. DeGooyer's essay "" in the Los Angeles Review of Books. (August 2016)

Read Prof. Chasar's essay "" in the Los Angeles Review of Books. (July 2016)

Sophomore Madelaine Au (supervised by Prof. Chasar) awarded a Mellon-funded Learning By Creating grant for the Summer of 2016 to work on her research, travel, and writing project "Buddhist Poetry." (May 2016)

English major Tyler Grisworld and Prof. Lenox awarded a Mellon-funded LARC grant for the Summer of 2016 to pursue "Streams of Consciousness"—a five-person collaborative project exploring the science of storytelling and the storytelling of science with students and faculty from Biology, Biochemistry, and Chemistry. (May 2016)

Congratulations to senior Joshua Singer, who will be heading to Loyola Marymount University to begin his MFA in screenwriting next Fall. (May 2016)

Congratulations to Spencer Clawson ('14), who will be heading to Columbia University to begin his MFA in screenwriting next Fall. (May 2016)

Congratulations to Bethany Williams ('12), who will be heading to the University of California, Davis, to begin her Ph.D. in English next Fall. (May 2016)

Congratulations to senior Alison Hsaio, who will be heading to to Tufts University to begin her Ph.D. in English next Fall. (May 2016)

Congratulations to senior Christa Rohrbach, who will be heading to St. Mary's College of California next Fall to begin her MFA in Fiction and Poetry writing. (April 2016)

Congratulations to English majors Crystal Lefebvre, Corna Orme, and Christa Rohrbach, who have been invited to join Phi Beta Kappa's Delta Chapter of Oregon. (April 2016)

Prof. Hobgood receives to support work on her next book, Beholding Disability in the English Renaissance. (March 2016)

Read a review of Prof. Nadelson's new novel Between You and Me in the . (January 2016)

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