

Carson Undergraduate Research Grants

Campus Deadline: March 17, 2024 for both student applications and faculty recommendations

View a list of Carson Scholarship recipients

Carson Grants offer Willamette undergraduates the opportunity to undertake a scholarly, creative, or professional research project during the summer. Approximately 10 grants of up to $3,000 are available each year. Students may apply for these competitive grants either as sophomores or juniors. Projects may be creative and artistic, literary, investigative, interdisciplinary, and performative. Recent Carson Scholars have:

  • collaborated to write, direct and produce two short films;
  • created illuminated manuscript pages using medieval materials and techniques;
  • studied the effects of common pesticides on the reproductive cycle of frogs;
  • investigated Catholic female religious communities in the United States;
  • traveled to Cuba to study revolutionary theatre;
  • composed music for wind ensemble.

The deadline for applications for the Carson program is March 17, 2024. Proposals, transcripts, and supporting materials must be submitted .

Sponsors should submit their recommendations .

Past successful grant proposals and final project reports are on file and available for review in the .


  1. A "research grant" sounds like something for scientists; what if I'm a painter, or a philosopher?
  2. The project is supposed to lead to a definite product, but what does "product" mean? Do I write a paper?
  3. How do I go about finding a grant sponsor?
  4. What is the sponsor's role?
  5. What if my sponsor isn't a Willamette faculty member?
  6. What if my research will cost more than the $3,000 maximum award?
  7. What are "personal expenses"? How do I determine how much to budget for it?
  8. My project involves interviewing and surveying people. Do I need approval, and how do I obtain it?
  9. What if I'm not an expert in the area of my grant proposal?
  10. What if I get turned down?

Application Materials

Documents for Funded Projects

Helpful Information

Willamette University

Student Academic Grants and Awards

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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