
  1. All currently enrolled sophomore and juniors are eligible to apply for a Carson Grant. However, juniors who received a grant as sophomores may not apply for a second grant.
  2. Proposals must be approved and endorsed by a Sponsor, who is responsible for overseeing the project to completion and evaluating the finished product. Normally, the Sponsor will be a Willamette faculty member, but in some circumstances may be faculty at another institution, or a professional with expertise in the project area.
  3. Projects may be individual or collaborative. If two or more students wish to collaborate, they should submit a single application for the group, indicating what role each member will play in the project. The maximum amount of the award is $3000, whether for individual or group projects.
  4. Projects that involve human or animal subjects must adhere to university guidelines for ethical research. Funded projects must be approved by Willamette's Institutional Review Board.

Carson Grants will most likely be awarded to proposals that demonstrate:

  • The applicant has the ability, and the academic or creative background necessary to carry out and complete the project.
  • The project is sufficiently significant and challenging that it will enhance the student's intellectual and creative development. Sponsors will be asked to address the project's contribution to the student's development in their recommendation.
  • The project is well-conceived, well-planned, and likely to be completed within the grant period.
  • The project will lead to a definable product, as in a scholarly paper, a public presentation, performance, or exhibit.
  • The project is conceived independently of coursework, and is not designed to be used as academic credit.
  • The Sponsor's role is adequately articulated, and the Sponsor has the necessary time, training, and expertise to supervise the student.
Willamette University

Student Academic Grants and Awards

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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