

Each year, the English Department spotlights students of particular accomplishment or distinction by awarding or nominating students for several prizes. Those prizes are:

1. The Mollie Mack Prize, given to recognize the most outstanding graduating student in English whose work is focused on the study of women, gender, or sexuality.

2. The John Dryden award, given to a graduating senior who has demonstrated particular insight in the study of literature and a genuine love of reading.

3. The Wendell Keck Scholarship, awarded to an English major of junior standing for use in that student's senior year. In awarding this scholarship, the English Department gives special consideration to a student pursuing training in writing rather than literature, and preferably a student planning to teach English and/or journalism.

4. The Mae Anderson Oliver award, presented each year to one or two students to support and recognize excellence in the study of comparative literature.

5. The Professor William E. "Bill" Duvall Humanities Scholarship, awarded to a junior or senior student majoring in one of the departments in the Humanities (Art History, English, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies) who has demonstrated high achievement and intellectual curiosity.

6. The Hallie Brown Ford Award in Creative Writing, presented to one or two graduating seniors for dedication to excellence in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or dramatic writing.

7. The Frank H. Newell Creative Writing Prize, awarded to several students each year to recognize and support outstanding student work in short fiction.

8. The Mark and Melody Teppola Prizes for Creative Writing in the categories of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Winners in each genre as judged by nationally-recognized writers will be awarded $500 and read from their winning work at an awards ceremony in April. Keep an eye out each Fall for details and submission deadlines!

In addition, each year the English Department faculty also nominate top students for membership in Phi Beta Kappa’s Delta Chapter of Oregon.

Willamette University


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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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