

 is the official honor society of the . The organization represents what Aristotle described in Rhetoric as three ingredients of persuasion: logos (Lambda), meaning logic; pathos (Pi), relating to emotion; and ethos (Eta), defined as character credibility and ethics. Students are invited to join based on GPA and number of credits completed in the discipline.

The Willamette University Alpha Epsilon Mu Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta was established in the fall of 2018. The chapter started with just eight students and the goal of establishing a strong sense of community within the CCM Department. In its first year, our chapter worked to create communal department hearth, organized events and workshops, and fostered discussion about communication on campus.

Developing a CCM Hearth

One of the main goals of our chapter is to create a strong sense of community within the CCM Department. Our first project was identifying a clear communal space. There is a common area around faculty offices that we have been working to develop as the CCM hearth. This is a collaborative place for students to converse, meet with professors, and work on assignments.

We’ve added:

  • A bulletin board featuring CCM students
  • A board featuring events and conference opportunities
  • A lamp for working at night


We plan a variety of events throughout the year to engage students in the major and to plan for post-graduate success

  • Department Mixers: we plan beginning and end-of-year events that bring together the entire CCM department to build community and celebrate accomplishments
  • Thursday Talks: a series of casual conversations covering topics from articulating the major to careers and graduate school in the communication field to the practical application of theories and rhetorical analysis to everyday life.
  • Workshops: we’ve planned several workshops open to all students on campus, including a job search workshop and a digital storytelling workshop

Rookie Chapter of the Year

In 2019, our chapter received the from the National Communication Association. This award recognizes a new chapter that exemplifies the principles and mission of Lambda Pi Eta honor society.

We will receive the award at the NCA’s annual convention in Baltimore in November of 2019. 


Current Officers


Nadia Sultan <nssultan>

Alyson Budde <abudde>


Dr. Catalina de Onís

Digital Storytelling Poster
Job Search Poster
CCM Celebration Poster
Willamette University

Civic Communication and Media

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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