
  1. What is NetFiles?
  2. What can I do with NetFiles?
  3. How do I connect to NetFiles
  4. Is there a limit to how much data I can store?
  5. Can I see how much space I'm using?
  6. How do I get a NetFiles directory?
  7. How is NetFiles different from the H: Drive?

1. What is NetFiles?

All members of the Willamette community (students, faculty and staff) are provided a block of storage space on Willamette's network file servers. This space can be accessed from any computer that is connected to our network, or remotely via VPN or FTP.

2. What can I do with NetFiles?

The NetFiles storage space can be used to store and back up data for classes, projects and academic research. The file servers themselves are backed up regularly and data can be recovered in cases of local hard drive failures or accidental file corruption. All members of the community are strongly encouraged to save any files that cannot afford to be lost to their NetFiles storage space.

3. How do I connect to NetFiles

On-Campus: You can map netfiles as a drive on your computer.

Off-Campus: Use our VPN client, then map drives as if you were on campus.

4. Is there a limit to how much data I can store?

Student, faculty, staff and guest accounts receive 20 GB of NetFiles storage space.

5. Can I see how much space I'm using?

You can check your NetFiles disk quota online.

6. How do I get a NetFiles directory?

Your NetFiles directory will automatically be created when you sign up for a new Willamette email/network account. This applies to all Willamette students, faculty, staff and guests. If you already have a Willamette account, then you already have a NetFiles directory!

7. How is NetFiles different from the H: Drive?

For added security, SFTP access has been implemented to replace FTP access. If you are already using a file server client (such as Filezilla, CyberDuck or AnyClient), you may be able to reconfigure your "Connect" information by selecting the new protocol from a dropdown menu in the client's interface. More information is available about downloading and configuring SFTP Clients is available on this web page.

If you have configured software such as Dreamweaver to automatically access your H: Drive using FTP, you will need to change the configuration in each application to use SFTP. Most programs can do this, but you might encounter problems with very old versions.

The new file servers include a function called "snapshots" that provides a self-service way for you to retrieve an older version of a file without having to call WITS to bring up a backup tape. Snapshots are created automatically by the file server once a day and can be accessed via a special directory or via the Windows user interface. More information will be available soon about snapshots. In the meantime, if you need to retrieve an older version of a file, please contact WITS for assistance.

Willamette University

Willamette Integrated Technology Services

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6004 voice
503-375-5456 fax

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