

Every department has a special folder created by default to be used by other faculty and staff as a "drop box" for files destined to department users.

_In - A dropbox that allows you to transfer files to a department. You can add files to this folder, but only department members can edit them.

The _In folders were created to handle the most common type of collaboration we see for network shares. These folders cannot be deleted, and exist to allow collaboration and sharing between departments. Read below for more clarification about the use of these folders.

_In Folder

This folder in your Groupfiles department share is a place where anyone can deliver a file to your department. Anyone can put a file into the box, but the department members decide what to do with it next.

What is the purpose of the _In folder?

  • Collaborating with a few members from another department who don’t need access to a whole share, but who you want to be able to deliver documents or files to your share.
  • Allowing non-members of your share to drop files for your department.

How does someone get access to add something into the _In folder?

  • Simply map \\groupfiles.willamette.edu\dept
  • Navigate to the desired department’s share and open it open the _In folder.

Who can put files into my department’s _In folder?

  • Anyone with a valid network account can copy files into the _In folder and put a file into it. This includes students, staff and faculty.

Who can see the files in the _In folder?

  • Members of the department share can view/edit/copy/remove all of the files in the _In folder.
  • People who put files into the share can ONLY view/edit/copy/remove any files that THEY have been put into the _In folder. They cannot see files anyone else has placed there.

If I put a file in another department’s _In folder by mistake, can I take it back?

  • Yes, you can remove any file you put in the _In folder if it hasn't been moved or deleted by a member of the department share

Can I Move a file into an _In folder rahter than just "copying" or "dragging" it?

  • YES: You can Move, Copy, or Drag files from your computer, a USB drive, or other devices directly to a departmental _In folder.
  • NO: If the file is in your department groupfiles or personal netfiles folder, you can Copy or Drag it into another department's _In folder, but using Move between network folders won't work as it creates file ownership and security problems.
Willamette University

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