

Select the links below for answers to many of your most frequently asked questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Stop by the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership, located on the 2nd floor of the UC. We're open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

  1. How do I rent a van or bus?
  2. When do I complete a trip form?
  3. What is the process for completing trip forms?
  4. What should I do before I leave for my off campus event?
  5. How can my student organization go on a retreat?
  6. What has changed about transportation on campus?
  7. Do I still need to complete the Trip Passenger Form?
  8. How will I know my request is confirmed?
  9. Can I make changes to my request?
  10. What will billing look like after my trip?
  11. Who can I contact with questions about this process or my reservation?

1. How do I rent a van or bus?

There are two steps students are required to take in order to reserve a van. First, students must fill out a trip form, located on the Campus Safety website. The organizer will need to include names of participants, the details of the event, and also the name of the driver All drivers must complete the Safe Driver Program located on the Campus Safety website. Upon completion of the online test, each driver's driving record will be checked by the Department of Motor Vehicles in their home state, which may take up to 7 business days. Plan accordingly!

The next step would be to contact the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership. The SEAL office can take care of reserving the van if you bring the information about the event you need a van for including date, time, location, club, and number of people going.

Bus rentals can be obtained for your organization as well. The SEAL office can help reserve buses with the same process.

2. When do I complete a trip form?

You must complete a trip form every time your student organization takes a trip off-campus that is outside of Salem city limits.

3. What is the process for completing trip forms?

Access the Trip Form online at the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership or Campus Safety websites.

4. What should I do before I leave for my off campus event?

Report any changes to the Trip Form and passenger list prior to leaving campus by calling Campus Safety. Please check the weather, especially if you are driving into the mountains, in case chains are necessary.

5. How can my student organization go on a retreat?

Check out the Student Engagement & Leadership website for a list of great retreat locations. Be sure to contact your advisor and get them involved in the process. Work with the ASWU Treasurer or the Accounting Office to request funds to pay for rental fees for the retreat location and associated costs.

6. What has changed about transportation on campus?

Willamette requires all transportation requests to go through Enterprise. All clubs and organizations can reserve vans for their trips through the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership at 503-370-6463 or student-engagement-group@willamette.edu.

Only 7 passenger vans can be reserved for clubs and organizations through Enterprise, and the driver must be 18 years or older in order to drive the van.

7. Do I still need to complete the Trip Passenger Form?

For trips attended by University students, per Willamette policy, the Trip Passenger Form will still be required. http://willamette.edu/offices/safety/trip/index.php

8. How will I know my request is confirmed?

The Office of Student Engagement & Leadership at 503-370-6463 or student-engagement-group@willamette.edu will be in communication with you regarding your reservation.

9. Can I make changes to my request?

Any changes will need to be communicated with the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership as soon as they are known.

10. What will billing look like after my trip?

Your account will automatically be billed after your reservation. Questions regarding billing can be directed to the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership.

11. Who can I contact with questions about this process or my reservation?

For any reservation questions regarding vans for clubs and organizations, contact the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership at 503-370-6463 or student-engagement-group@willamette.edu.

Transportation costs.

Cost depends on which types of vans are available:

1) Enterprise offers 7 passenger vans for $55 per day. This does not include the price of gas.

2) School buses offer 50 passenger seating for $197 for three hours. Each additional hour costs $97. These costs likely cover gas.

Willamette University

Student Engagement and Leadership

Putnam University Center, Second Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6463 voice
503-370-6407 fax

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