

Click on the links below for answers to many of your most frequently asked questions.

Can't find what you're looking for? Stop by the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership or email Student Engagement & Leadership.

  1. How do I re-register my existing student organization?
  2. How do I start a student organization?
  3. What are the academic policies for participation in a student organization?
  4. How do I find an advisor?
  5. What is the role of the advisor?
  6. How do I write a constitution and bylaws for my student organization?
  7. What is the Club Approval and Finance Committee and when do they meet?
  8. How do I create a website for my student organization?
  9. How does an organization become defunct?
  10. How do I restart a defunct organization?
  11. How do I change the officers in my organization, such as the GL representative?
  12. What is the procedure for airing grievances, concerns, or conflicts?
  13. Where can I buy T-shirts for my organization or an event?
  14. Can I put a bearcat or Willamette logo on T-shirts?

1. How do I re-register my existing student organization?

Student organization re-registration takes place annually in the spring. There are four parts to the re-registration process, all which are online: spring membership roster, academic year reflection, student organization update form, and the leader/advisor agreement.

2. How do I start a student organization?

The SEAL website has all the information you need to know in order to start a new student organization.

3. What are the academic policies for participation in a student organization?

All students serving in elected or appointed positions of leadership shall maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and not be on academic or conduct probation. At the beginning of each semester, the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership will confirm that the officers for each registered student organization are in compliance with this policy. If a person does fall below the requirement, the student organization will be expected to name a replacement within two weeks of notification. If a student wishes to appeal the GPA requirement , they should contact the Director of Student Engagement & Leadership; probation is not appealable per university policy.

4. How do I find an advisor?

Find a faculty or staff member who shares a similar interest or expertise in the mission of the student organization you are trying to start. Email the SEAL staff at student-engagement-group@willamette.edu for assistance finding an advisor.

5. What is the role of the advisor?

Your advisor can play an important role in your organization. They can help establish goals, create agendas, create a budget, serve as a mediator, and provide continuity and stability in the group from year to year. The student leader and advisor agreement provides a thorough overview of expectations for faculty and staff who assume the role of advisor.

6. How do I write a constitution and bylaws for my student organization?

The constitution sets forth the general principles upon which an organization is established. The bylaws would contain in more detail the procedures to be followed for meetings, decision-making, officer selection, and financial transactions. Please see this sample constitution for specifics on how to create a constitution. Generally, constitutions require a 2/3 vote of the membership for adoption. Bylaws only require a simple majority for approval. If you are interested in creating bylaws for your organization, contact someone at the Student Engagement & Leadership office for ideas on what you can include.

7. What is the Club Approval and Finance Committee and when do they meet?

The Club Approval and Finance Committee meets weekly each semester. They review proposed student organizations and decide along with ASWU Senate if they are approved. For more information, contact Jodi Santillie.

8. How do I create a website for my student organization?

Student organizations have the ability to create their own websites using Cascade CMS. Each organization will select one member to become the web manager for the year. Web managers will sign up for a specialized training with the Web Development office via email at web-training@willamette.edu.

9. How does an organization become defunct?

An organization becomes defunct if their yearly registration documents are not turned in by the end of spring semester.

10. How do I restart a defunct organization?

Regardless of how long the student organization has been defunct, the student interested in restarting the club must begin the process of starting the organization like new. See the section on "Starting a New Student Organization" for more information.

11. How do I change the officers in my organization, such as the GL representative?

If any officer in your student organization changes, please complete the .

12. What is the procedure for airing grievances, concerns, or conflicts?

If a student organization has a concern, conflict or grievance with a department on campus, please come to the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership and speak with a staff member.

13. Where can I buy T-shirts for my organization or an event?

Student organizations are encouraged to contact the Office of Marketing and Communications for a list of preferred t-shirt vendors.

14. Can I put a bearcat or Willamette logo on T-shirts?

Students may use the words "Willamette University" in their t-shirt design but are not permitted to use the logo, bearcat, or seal. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Approval must be obtained by the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Willamette University

Student Engagement and Leadership

Putnam University Center, Second Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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