

Tellus: (tel'us), n. 1. [Latin] earth, soil, and the land; a country; the world. 2. a collection of Willamette University student's insights, stories, photos and thoughts from their experiences studying abroad.

The Office of International Education sponsors , a Facebook group to allow study abroad students and international students studying at WU to share photos and memories of their experiences abroad. TellUs began as a published journal, then moved to a blog format and now has found a home on social media.  Students can join Global Willamette - TellUs and post submissions to the group. See submission instructions below.

Check out here.

We want your stories, writing and photos!

Instructions for submissions:

  1. On Facebook, locate the group .   (don't get confused with our primary information sharing page called Global Willamette). 
  2. Join the group. 
  3. Post your photo with written, reflective comments on your experience (like a caption, insight, observation, etc).  You can get creative and post a poem or other piece, as long as you are reflecting on your experience abroad. 

By submitting to Global Willamette - Tellus you are giving Willamette University permission to repost on other Willamette social media and reproduce these works in other forms of publicity or promotional displays. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.

Deadline for submissions

Students submitting to Global Willamette - TellUs to complete their Re-entry Activity for the Maximizing the Study Abroad Experience Course should post submissions to the group by the due date noted in your syllabus.

Submission Guidelines


  • Photos will only be accepted with an appropriate and REFLECTIVE caption.
  • Questions to help guide your photo caption:
    1. Why is this image significant to you and your international experience?
    2. How did you feel when the photo was taken?
    3. Have your feelings changed since then?
    4. What inspired you to take the picture?
    5. What is the context of your photo?


  • Consider the following questions if you need ideas about what to write:
    1. What is the most memorable happening during your study abroad experience?
    2. What was the biggest difficulty during your study abroad experience?
    3. What do you want convey most to prospective study abroad students?
    4. How were you changed by your study abroad experience?
    5. Why did you decide to study in the country to which you went?
    6. What kind of social issues did you face on or did you learn about during study abroad?
    7. What was the best preparation before you joined your program?
  • Comments of any length will be accepted for submission.
  • Please be reflective in your post - why are you sharing the story or memory? Why is it a meaningful/memorable part of your experience abroad?

Willamette University

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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