

KET Program: Teaching English in Kawagoe, Japan


Kawagoe is hiring FOR SUMMER 2023.



Kawagoe, Japan is the sister city to Salem, Oregon. It is the home to Tokyo International University, the partner university of Willamette University. Many people are familiar with the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) program, but there is also a KET program that is based in Kawagoe and that welcomes WU graduates to apply to work as Assistant English Teachers.  The contract year for the KET program is August 1st to July 31st. This year the City of Kawagoe Education Center is planning to hire one (1) assistant English teacher (AET).

The OIE only works with applicants who have graduated from Willamette University (Salem or PNCA) living IN the United States. 

  • WU graduates already abroad will be instructed on how to submit materials directly to Kawagoe for consideration.  
  • Other non-WU applicants can email oieadvising@willamette.edu and we will ask Kawagoe to contact you with instructions.  It us up to Kawagoe to decide to follow up with non-WU applicants.  

To qualify, you must be a graduating student from any university no later than May of the year prior to the summer you are hoping to work (for example: May 2023 or earlier graduate for work starting summer 2023).

WU (including PNCA) graduates who graduated in prior years are eligible to apply.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Office of International Education DOES NOT hire persons selected for the KET Program and we only collect materials from US-based WU graduates.  It is also possible the terms of the position may differ from what is here so all applicants are encouraged to carefully review all contract materials provided by Kawagoe and clarify any questions with the Kawagoe Education Center directly BEFORE agreeing to employment. WU is coordinating the application materials for the Kawagoe Education Center as a courtesy to them and to WU students who want to apply. Following the WU deadline, materials will be forwarded to Kawagoe for review and selection. Applicants will be notified (typically no later than early May) by the Kawagoe Education Center of the results of their application.

BEFORE APPLYING, please download and read the following documents. You should only apply if you agree with all of the general conditions outlined in these documents.  If hired, be sure to review all materials from Kawagoe since they can vary slightly from those listed on this site.  

  1. KET application guidelines [English] [Japanese]
  2. Notice of Conditions of Service [English] [Japanese]
  3. List of Leave Programs for Fiscal Year Appointees [English] [Japanese]

To apply, please mail the following as one application packet (in one envelope) to the Office of International Education:

  1. Application form
  2. 6 photographs (passport size, formal/professional photos) taken within the past 6 months (attach to the application form in an envelope)
  3. Self-Assessment Medical Report (last page of the application)
  4. Letter of Reference (1 letter is required)
  5. Transcript(s): An unofficial Willamette transcript will be accepted for the purposes of the application. Current Willamette students can print an unofficial transcript in SAGE.  An official transcript will be required before hiring, if you are selected.  Place informal transcript with your other materials (one package of materials)
    • Former WU graduates should request an official transcript using this method and email to candrese@willamette.edu
    • Official transcripts are required from all previous college/universities where you have earned credit.  Have them mailed (if not deliverable electronically) to 900 State Street OIE, ATTN:  KET Program/OIE, Salem, OR 97301.  If they can be sent electronically, have it sent to candrese@willamette.edu.
  6. Certificate of graduation from college or university. If you have not already graduated, you must submit a letter from the registrar's office confirming your expected date of graduation.

Remember the deadline to submit materials is March 24, 2023 to the Office of International Education:  900 State Street OIE, Salem, OR 97301, ATTN:  KET Program/OIE (if sending by mail).

If you are a current WU student, you can hand deliver your materials to the OIE but make sure everything is in one large envelope so your materials can be forwarded "as is" to Kawagoe. 

  • In Salem, the OIE is in the Global Learning Center (corner of Westwood and Baxter)
  • At PNCA, the OIE is in office #268.

** If you are a WU graduate currently living abroad, contact the OIE for mailing instructions.  The materials must be received by the deadline. **

Questions? Email oieadvising@willamette.edu.  Be sure to indicate “KET Program” in the subject line of your email.

Willamette University

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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