

For Applicants:

  1. When may I apply?
  2. What does ICL cost?
  3. Who may apply?
  4. How long is the wait?
  5. Can I visit ICL to see what it's like?
  6. What if my email address changes while I'm on the waiting list?
  7. I'm on the waiting list. When might I hear of an opening?
  8. What if I'm getting close to the top of the waiting list or am offered an opening and am not quite ready to commit to joining?

1. When may I apply?

Applications can be submitted online at any time. Paper applications are not accepted.

2. What does ICL cost?

Membership dues are $165 per academic year. Applicants joining at the beginning of the Fall semester should be prepared to pay with a check for $165 made out to WUICL at the time of their orientation session.

Applicants joining at the beginning of the Spring semester should pay by check at the time of their orientation session for a half-year ($82.50). When they renew at the end of the Spring semester for the following full academic year, $165.00 will be due.

3. Who may apply?

ICL membership is available to retired and semi-retired individuals over 50, who:

  1. Have an interest in life-long learning within the Willamette University environment
  2. Have the time and desire to attend classes, and can commit to attending most of the classroom sessions - morning and afternoon
  3. Are willing, after an acclimation period, to share their knowledge and skills by contributing to the academic programs and/or administration of ICL
  4. Agree to provide support to Willamette University, its faculty and students, in achieving the mission and goals of the University.
  5. Have access to the Internet and e-mail, as this allows the most efficient communication with ICL members.

4. How long is the wait?

New members are brought in before the beginning of each semester (September and January). Wait times lately are less than a year and more likely to be less than 6 months.

Notifications will be sent to people on the waiting list 2 or 3 times a year, indicating an applicant's position on the list.

5. Can I visit ICL to see what it's like?

Yes! After being assigned to the waiting list, each applicant is welcome to attend a limited number of classes per year. (Guest Policy)

6. What if my email address changes while I'm on the waiting list?

Please inform the Membership Co-Director(s promptly of any change in your e-mail address or your desire to become a member of ICL.

7. I'm on the waiting list. When might I hear of an opening?

New members are admitted to ICL twice a year, at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. Invitations for active membership will be offered to applicants from the waiting list in the order in which the application was received. This will most likely occur during the Summer or Winter breaks between semesters (June-August/December-January).

The number of applicants admitted will depend on the number of open positions, so as to bring membership up to a maximum total of 160.

8. What if I'm getting close to the top of the waiting list or am offered an opening and am not quite ready to commit to joining?

Those applicants near the top of the list who indicate unwillingness or inability to join ICL at the projected time, or who are offered an opening, can ask to be removed from the list or decline the opening. Applicants who decline an open membership position or have removed themselves from the list at any time, will need to reapply to get back on the bottom of the waiting list.

Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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