

The Board

Annual Reports to Willamette University

 Article 6 - Responsibilities of the ICL Constitution states: "Periodic reports on the activities of ICL shall also be provided to the University and ICL members."


Have an idea for an ICL presentation? Or a field trip? Use these forms to provide the Curriculum Committee with your ideas and details. Thank you!
  • To send your presentation suggestions to the Curriculum Committee, please fill out this form.
  • To send your field trip suggestions to the Curriculum Committee, please fill out this form.
  • Want to start a special interest group (chess club, play reading group, garden club, etc.) and use Kaneko Auditorium as a place to meet? Enter the name of the group and a short description in the time slot(s) you'd like to use. There's room for 2 groups to meet at the same time, assuming neither would be disruptive to the other. 

    Meetings will be posted in the newsletters which usually go out on Mondays.






Technical Services


  • ICL Newsletters Started during the Spring 2020 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  • ICL tries to read a book every semester. Toward the end of the semester there is a presentation and discussion about the book. This book list comes out of those classes.
  • ICL DVD Library
  • 5 Great Courses DVDs

    Wes Robinson, a founding member of ICL, has generously gifted these five new Great Courses (DVDs) to ICL. Open PDF document for more information and how to check out a set.

  • ICL's 20th Anniversary Celebration
  • ICL's 30th Anniversary Celebration
  • Campus Locations and Use of AEDs



    • Use the menu under the banner photo to select cafe, the day's menu you're looking for, and dietary preferences. Or leave them all on the default.
    • Scroll down to see the menu for breakfast, lunch (not on weekends), and dinner.
    • Scroll down further to subscribe to "Menu Mail" and get the day's menu in your email every morning.
Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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