

Tuesday, January 17

9:00 a.m.
Coffee & Conversation / ICL Announcements, **Alumni Lounge, Putnam Center**
Join the group for coffee and refreshments, and to meet new members, as we begin the Spring semester.
10:00 a.m.
WU President Stephen Thorsett [G. Beck], Ford 122

Stephen Thorsett became the 25th president of Willamette University and professor of physics in Willamette’s College of Liberal Arts on July 1, 2011.

Thorsett served previously as the dean of the Division of Physical and Biological 快活视频s at University of California, Santa Cruz. He joined UC Santa Cruz as an associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics in 1999. He was appointed to professor of astronomy and astrophysics and chair of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics in 2003.

Now that he has had the Fall semester to settle into his new role at WU, we are very fortunate that he will be able to share his initial impressions and goals for the future of the institution. Who knows, maybe he will finally be able to explain “dark energy” to us!

11:00 a.m.
"How to Speak Quantum鈥揢ltracold Atoms and Molecules at Willamette University," Michaela Kleinert, WU Assistant Professor of Physics [G Beck], Ford 122

Lasers are used for more than just bar code scanners or pointers. By using a clever combination of six laser beams and magnetic fields, certain atoms can be slowed and cooled to temperatures of just a few millionths of a degree above absolute zero, turning them into the coldest matter in existence. Even more interesting, these cold atoms can be used as building blocks for simple molecules. Curious why this is interesting and why you should care? Then don't miss this talk!

**1:00-2:20 p.m.**
Professor Wallace Long and the Willamette Singers [G. Hagestedt], **Rogers Rehearsal Hall**

Dr. Long and the Willamette Singers will have just returned from a tour of Washington State with the Willamette Chamber Choir. They will perform much of their tour program and discuss improvisation techniques, how to achieve blend and how the use of the voice differs when singing jazz as compared to singing with the classical voice.

Dr. Long has been Director of Choral Activities at Willamette University since 1983, and has a history of consistently fine Concert, Chamber, and Jazz programs year after year. For more about Dr. Long and his groups, see: http://www.willamette.edu/cla/music/faculty/long/index.html

Thursday, January 19

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Perseverance:聽 Black Pioneers in Oregon's Early History," Gwen Carr [Maureen Caudill], Ford 122

Gwen Carr is Vice Chair of the Board of the Oregon Northwest Black Pioneers, and Chair of Research and Education. Through stories, historical documentation and images she will present a program on little-known aspects of black history in our state, beginning with the earliest instance of African Americans in Oregon in 1788 through the state's early historical development in the 1800's. We'll also focus on black pioneers in Marion and Polk counties through the stories of people like John W. Jackson, 5th Cavalry U.S. Colored Troops during the Civil War, a successful farmer who became secretary of the Haysville Farmers Club; Sybil Haber, nurse-midwife; and in the 20th century, William Tebeau, grandson of former slaves, who graduated from Oregon State with a degree in Chemical Engineering - the first male African American graduate.

1:00-3:00 p.m.
"The Western Gray Squirrel," WU Prof. David Craig [B. Griffitts], Ford 122

Prof. David Craig (who convinced us that crows can bear grudges) returns to ICL to speak about squirrels. Craig is studying the Western gray squirrel to help this species survive the threat from an introduced species on the West Coast. Craig will assign homework a couple of days ahead of his scheduled presentation, and he will ask us, as members of the public, to help researchers in this project.

Tuesday, January 24

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Oregon's Correctional System," Tom O'Connor, [B. Griffitts], Ford 122

With years of experience as a chaplain in the Oregon prison system, and after a 10-year stint as administrator of religious services for the state Department of Corrections, Tom O'Connor will present current data about the prison system and will characterize the system as ineffective. O'Connor now runs a company called Transforming Corrections. Its mission is to help correctional agencies become more compassionate, more effective and less costly.

1:00 p.m.
"How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, Prof. Robert Greenberg, Video 快活视频r, 快活视频 5. The Renaissance Mass" [V. Cozart], Ford 122
This lecture introduces the mass as the most important compositional genre of the Renaissance. The mass itself is defined and the ceremony is discussed in detail, in particular the nature and content of the Proper and Ordinary. We then examine the Renaissance musical setting of the Ordinary of the mass and the three types of Renaissance masses. We then discuss the Protestant Reformation and the subsequent impact of the Counter-Reformation and the Council of Trent on the nature of Catholic liturgical music in general and the mass specifically.
2:00 p.m.
"Music Potpourri" Short musical subjects presented by our members [G. Hagestedt], Ford 122
Peter Ronai, Francis Allen, and Joe Brobston will each present one of their favorite recordings, artists, or musical curiosities, with background information.

Thursday, January 26

10:00 a.m.
"Liberty House," Melissa Briggs [B. Griffitts], Ford 122

With so much media attention given to disadvantaged, neglected and abused children it is good to know that there is at least one local resource to help the Marion County community provide needed care. Liberty House, which opened its doors to children in April of 1999, resulted from the combined efforts of the medical, mental health, child welfare and law enforcement communities in the 1990's. The facility's services include thorough physical exams, interviews and counseling in a kid-friendly setting, and support for non-offending caregivers. Melissa Briggs will acquaint us with ongoing efforts to create safer environments for children, and will share her personal part in this effort as the development officer at Liberty House.

11:00 a.m.
Video鈥撯淲hat is Space?鈥 [G Beck], Ford 122
The first program of the four-part Nova series, The Fabric of the Cosmos by physicist and author Brian Green takes us to the frontiers of physics to see how scientists are piecing together the most complete and controversial picture yet of space, time and the universe. Space separates you from me, one galaxy from the next, and atoms from one another. But to most of us, space is nothing, an empty void. Well, it turns out space is not what it seems. In this program we are presented with surprising clues that indicate that space is very much something and not nothing.
1:00-3:00 p.m.
"Sleep Disorders," Mark Gabr, MD [P. Rasmussen]聽, Ford 122

Mark Gabr, MD is a neurologist and sleep medicine specialist. He'll explain normal sleep physiology including the stages of sleep, dreaming, and normal awakening. Then he'll talk about sleep problems that are common in older persons such as sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome and circadian rhythm problems. He'll describe the causes of these problems, how they are diagnosed, and how they are treated.
Warning: Anyone caught snoring during the talk will immediately be studied!

Dr. Gabr has graciously consented to the inclusion of his presentation* on the ICL web site. (Webmaster's Note: The material in this presentation is Copyright: Dr. Gabr.) To go to the presentation, click here.

*N.B. This is a large PDF file (>8MB), so a broadband connection is required.

For further reading, Dr. Gabr recommends the following comprehensive web sites:

Tuesday, January 31

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"The State of the County," Marion County Board of Commissioners [B. Griffitts], Ford 122

The County will present at 10 a.m. with Transit following at 11 a.m. Each group will have about 35-40 minutes including Q&A.

Representing the County Board of Commissioners will be Commissioner Janet Carlson. Commissioner Carlson will give an update on Courthouse Square. The county has a Request for Proposals for remediation of the complex underway and a cost benefit analysis that was recently completed.

Presenting at 11:00 a.m. will be Allan Pollock, General Manager and CEO, Salem-Keizer Transit. Mr. Pollock is another stakeholder in Courthouse Square, but he wil broaden his talk to include the strategic plan for transit in the Salem-Keizer district.
1:00-3:00 p.m.
"Great Decisions 2011: Should Americans care about the Caucasus?" [J. Flaming]聽, Ford 122

The countries and regions of the Caucasus all have strong national identities but have long lived in the shadow of their larger neighbors: Russia, Iran and Turkey. How does this influence the Caucasus of today? How do the region's energy resources play into its relations with the outside world?

The first hour will focus on background related to the countries of the Caucasus region and will be presented by Sarah Clovis Bishop, Assistant Professor of Russian at Willamette University.

The second hour will focus on the foreign policy questions. This final unit in the 2011 Great Decisions discussion will be led by ICL member, Don Gallagher.

Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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