

Tuesday, April 3

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"North Country Autumn," and "Subarctic Forest Vegetation," Evelynn Smith and Bill Voelker [G. Beck], **Smullin B-17**

ICL members Evelynn Smith and Bill Voelker will team up for this presentation. Evelynn and her husband Jerry, both nature photographers, return with another slideshow/music presentation. This time the title is "North Country Autumn." It features the extraordinary landscape and wildlife of subarctic regions of Alaska and the Yukon Territory. The program will highlight their love of the wild places of western North America and the importance of preserving what is left of them. This program will also feature the bears of the region; both black and grizzly.

Bill Voelker, ICL member and retired forester, will discuss some aspects of the subarctic forest vegetation shown in the video.

PLEASE NOTE: We move to Smullin B-17 for the morning session.

1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Oregon Humanities: Life after War: Photography and Oral Histories of Coming Home [P. Hanni], **Ford Hall, Room 122**

When does a war end? Does it ever? The trials of homecoming are vast and complex, often resonating with tales of Odysseus' journey back to Ithaca from the Trojan War. Photographer JAMES LOMMASSON has collected oral histories from returning soldiers and documented their struggles at home. In this conversation we will consider the wars at home faced not only by returning veterans, but also by communities at large. This is a Conversation Project of Oregon Humanities

Mr. Lommasson is a freelance photographer living in Portland. He received the Dorothea Large-Paul Taylor prize from Duke University for his first book, SHADOW BOXERS: SWEAT, SACRIFICE AND THE WILL TO SURVIVE IN AMERICAN BOXING GYMS. He is currently working on a book called EXIT WOUNDS. about American Veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars after their return from the war. He is the recipient of numerous grants and has exhibted nationally.

PLEASE NOTE: We move back to Ford Hall for the afternoon session.

Thursday, April 5

10:00–12:00 a.m.
"A Natural History of Minto Brown," Sharon Rose [S. Wright], Ford 122

Author Sharon Rose, Professor of Biology and Natural History at Willamette University, will review her book. She is a long time resident of Salem who frequents the park almost every day. She will talk about the history of the park. She will share her observations and musings stemming from her experiences at the park informed by her knowledge of nature.

1:00 p.m.
"Top Secret America," ICL Member Hardin King , Ford 122
Following WWII Ike warned us about the military-industrial complex. After 9/11 over a half-century later, we embarked on an unparalleled effort to protect our country from terrorists. That new top secret national security "branch" of government is vast. After ten years of unprecedented spending and growth, nobody knows how many people it employs; how much taxpayer money is being spent on it; how much work is being duplicated; or, even how to assess the effectiveness of all its programs. There is even a hidden army within the U.S. military more secret than the CIA. The presentation will be about this new security state we call home.
2:00 p.m.
"The Fiction Writer’s Process and Product," Scott Nadelson, Willamette University [Lois Rosen], Ford 122
Willamette creative writing professor Scott Nadelson will read from and discuss his newest book, Aftermath, a collection of short fiction that follows characters in the wake of momentous events in their lives.

Scott Nadelson is the author of three story collections, including Saving Stanley: The Brickman Stories and The Cantor’s Daughter. The winner of an Oregon Book Award, the Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writers Award, and the Reform Judaism Fiction Prize, he is Hallie Ford Chair in Writing in Willamette’s English Department.

Tuesday, April 10

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"Native American Background for Field Trip," Rebecca Dobkins, Anthropologist [S. Wright], Ford 122
Fostering understanding between Native communities and the public has long been Professor Dobkins' goal, and at Willamette, she has successfully nurtured relationships between the university and the region's tribes. She has curated 14 Native art exhibitions at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art and she organized the Indian Country Conversations lecture series to address issues facing Native communities.
1:00–3:00 p.m.
"PowerPoint 101 Tutorial," Sally Schriver, Ford 122

ICL member Sally Schriver will lead us through a basic tour of the program that has become one of the most commonly used tools in the world of computers. Many of those who have never used it say there is no way they could learn. This session will show just how easy it can be to produce a simple, no-frills program. Feel free to bring your laptop along and follow as Sally produces a short program before your very eyes. Volunteers will be available to help any ICL members who need guidance.

The second hour will give those who want to learn more a chance to see additional features, try it themselves and share tricks they have learned. Just remember, this is indeed the Institute for CONTINUED Learning, isn't it? Give it a try.

NOTE: If you bring your laptop, it needs to have PowerPoint installed. Sally will be demonstrating on a PC, but feel free to bring your Mac laptop, as long as it has PowerPoint for the Mac installed. Just be aware that the PowerPoint program for the Mac is similar to, though not identical to, the PowerPoint program for Windows. (The PowerPoint program for Windows cannot be installed on a Mac (unless your Mac has a certain application such as Parallels or VMWare Fusion that allows your Mac to run the Windows operating system), but PowerPoint files generated on a PC with PowerPoint for Windows installed can be read on a Mac with PowerPoint for the Mac installed.)

Thursday, April 12

10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
"Who was Shakespeare? The Oxfordian Challenge to William of Stratford." Dick Whalen [Gloria Hill], Ford 122

Richard Whalen, past president of the Shakespeare Oxford Society and author of books and articles on the Shakespeare authorship controversy, will review the problems with the evidence for the Stratford man (whose name was spelled 'Shakspere') and the strength of the case for the 17th Earl of Oxford as the true author of the great plays and poems. He will comment on the latest developments in the controversy, including the movie 'Anonymous,' and what he sees as the prospects for winning more support for the Oxfordian proposition. After his appearance, he goes to Concordia University in Portland for the three-day, 13th annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference, where he will deliver a paper on the witches in Macbeth. He is general editor with Daniel Wright of Concordia of the Oxfordian Shakespeare Series, editor of Macbeth in the series and co-editor of Othello with Ren Draya of Blackburn College. He earned a bachelor's degree from Fordham College and a master's from Yale. His 1994 book from Greenwood-Praeger, Shakespeare: Who Was He? is billed as the only concise, balanced introduction to the controversy and is still in print; and he has published dozens of research papers, including articles in Harper's Magazine, The Tennessee Law Review and Brief Chronicles, the online, peer-reviewed journal.

1:00 p.m.
"Favorite Books," Erin Hanni, Ford 122
ICL members will make short introductions to favorite books they have read recently. If you would like to make such an introduction, contact ICL member Erin Hanni, our ICL Favorite Book Coordinator.
2:00 p.m.
"Contemporary Book Discussion: 'The Crying Tree,' by Naseem Rakha," Phil Hanni, Ford 122

This book is well known to us because the author had a conversation with us about it last year when many purchased copies. She is an award winning journalist whose stories have been heard on NPR.

In the book you will meet a family, the Stanleys, who experience a wrenching tragedy that overwhelms them. As a result the three family members each maintain and hide shocking secrets that are exposed finally when the cause of their tragedy is to be executed.

It is said of the book that it is "an unforgetable story of love and redemption, the unbreakable bonds of the family, and the transformative power of forgiveness." It's about other things, too, important things.

ICL has purchased 6 copies of the book, that we ask you to help circulate after reading. Several members own a copy already.

Tuesday, April 17

10:00 a.m.
"How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, Prof. Robert Greenberg, Video ¿ì»îÊÓƵr, ¿ì»îÊÓƵ 8. Style Features of Baroque-era Music" [V. Cozart], Ford 122

In this lecture we build listening skills and a descriptive vocabulary and discuss style and features of Baroque music. A vocabulary for addressing sound aspects of music is presented, defining and discussing discrete sound, frequency, pitch, melody, motive, theme, and tune. The advent of instrumental music during the Baroque era is examined. Essential musical elements as pulse, meter, scales, and harmony are examined in light of the Baroque predilection for scientific investigation, systemic organization and codification.

11:00 a.m.
"I Didn't Know a Violin Could Do That!... The World of Alternative String Styles," Daryl Silberman [G. Hagestedt], Ford 122

You know that violinists can play Mozart one minute and Charlie Daniels fiddle the next, but did you know that there are stringed musicians who play and record in many different contemporary styles including rock, jazz, blues, and classical crossover? Local musician and West Salem High School orchestra director Daryl Silberman will be your guide as we navigate the world of Alternative String Styles. She will demonstrate these styles on her acoustic and electric violin and introduce you to some of this country's most influential contemporary string artists, playing audio and video clips of their work. You will leave with a deeper knowledge of the creative side of stringed instruments and a list of web addresses to explore these artists more in depth on your own.

Read . It contains most of her presentation to ICL, including all the "stringed musicians" she featured, and then some.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Local Hunger," Students for Change, West Salem High School [B. Kasoff], Ford 122

The Students for Change service club from West Salem High School will return to tell us about the projects they have undertaken this year. Their focus is on local and global poverty.

Their projects include a mentoring program for local students which provides academic and social support, as well as on-site visits to local colleges. They have also raised $600 to purchase holiday hams for the Union Gospel Mission.

The students will describe their projects and share their local and global action plan. They will also give us some ways that we can be involved.

Thursday, April 19

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Great Decisions: State of the Oceans", Ford 122

The world’s oceans are essential to life on earth, and ocean fisheries provide the primary protein source for billions of people. Marine life is threatened by pollution and overfishing, and is particularly sensitive to global climate change. How are the U.S. and other countries addressing the ongoing and emerging challenges to this shared resource? Janet and George Adkins will lead this discussion.

1:00-3:00 p.m.
"Spring Play," ICL Players [P. Rasmussen], Ford 122
"The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde will be presented by the ICL Players.
The play is directed by Peter Rasmussen and Shereen Ricoy.
Betty Kasoff will set the stage for the Victorian time period and introduce us to the unique life of the playwright.
The cast in order of appearance:
LANE: Jose Ricoy
JACK: Trevor Jacobson
LADY BRACKNELL: Kasia Quillinan
GWENDOLYN: Sally Shriver
MISS PRISM: Dorothy Dobson
CECILY: Sharon Dearman
CHAUSABLE: Marion Dearman
MERRIMAN: David Cozart

Tuesday, April 24 All Day

8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Field Trip: Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Tribal Headquarters and Fort Yamhill State ¿ì»îÊÓƵ [Maureen & Phil Caudill]


8:30 am - Begin loading the bus at Mission Mill parking lot.

8:45 am - Depart for Grand Ronde.

9:45 am - 12:45pm

-Meet with Tribal Leaders in the Council Chambers.

-Meet with Tribal Elders in the Activity Center.

-Lunch with the Elders as their guests (no cost to ICL members).

-Visit the Veterans War Memorial on tribal grounds.

1:00 pm to approximately 2:30 pm

- Fort Yamhill State Heritage Area

-Meet with ¿ì»îÊÓƵ Ranger, Matt Huerter, for an informational talk and orientation to the Fort.

-Visit the Officer's Quarters and hear restoration plans for other buildings at the Fort.

-Self-guided walking tour of the Fort grounds and old Indian trail (approx. 1/2 mile). The walk is slightly uphill in places. There may be a possibility of touring with the Ranger using a 6-person golf cart for members who would find it difficult to walk.

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

- Return to Salem - Mission Mill.

Thursday, April 26

10:00–11:00 a.m.
"Gianni Schicchi," Derek Stables, Ford 122

Maybe Puccini had us in mind when he composed, "Gianni Schicchi," a one-act operatic comedy, whose 50 minute running time is ideal for a one-hour presentation at ICL. This video performance by the Metropolitan Opera is particularly hilarious, almost slapstick, with inspired direction and a cast chosen as much for acting ability as for vocal talent.

When a wealthy Florentine merchant dies, his greedy family waste no time in arriving at his city residence. After exchanging token expressions of grief, they mount a feverish search for the will and are devastated to find that the entire estate is left to a nearby monastery. As the family contemplate the monks' growing fat on what should be their portions, they must decide what to do. Send for Gianni Schicchi, of course!

[It is essential that this presentation, which comprises a virtually complete one-act opera, should commence promptly at 10:00 a.m., in order to avoid possible encroachment on the subsequent 11:00-12:00 topic (and/or the intervening Break). If you have announcements, please ensure that they are either FINISHED by 10:00 or DEFERRED. Thanks. DS]

11:00 a.m.
"How America Became a Christian Nation–and Other Myths," Steven K. Green [G. Beck], Ford 122
Law professor, litigator, historian and author Steven K. Green, will discuss the widely held, but indeterminate, belief that Christian values and traditions underlie the nation's founding principle–that America is "one nation under God." He’ll explore how this idea arose, why it is so compelling, and the practical implications of claims that America is a "Christian nation." He will also discuss related myths: that people settled America in pursuit of religious freedom; and that the Founders were deeply religious men who intended for government to reinforce religious values.

Green earned a doctorate in American constitutional history and a master’s in American religious history from the University of North Carolina, a law degree from the University of Texas, and a bachelor’s in history and political science from Texas Christian University in addition to post-graduate study at Duke law and divinity schools.
1:00–2:00 p.m.
"Fabric of the Cosmos, Part 3, 'Quantum Leap'" [G. Beck], Ford 122
The third installment of Brian Greene's Cosmos series takes a wild ride into a bizarre realm where it seems the impossible is possible. Objects pop in and out of existence; things can, in a sense, be in two places at once; even teleportation is real. Welcome to the weird world of quantum mechanics. On the scale of atoms and particles, the universe is nothing like it seems.
2:00-3:00 p.m.
"Video Sneak Preview" George Adkins and Hardin King , Ford 122
George Adkins and Hardin King will give us a sneak peek at video(s) series that are being considered for next year. Our opinions and suggestions will be solicited.
Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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