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Meeting ID: 922 1210 4940

One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,92212104940# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,92212104940# US (Tacoma)

Tuesday, September 1

10:00 - 12:00 p.m.
"Introduction to Zoom Meetings," GwenEllyn Anderson, David MacMillan, Zoom

Pre-Semester practice Zoom Sessions on Tuesday or Thursday morning - September 1 or September 3 at 10:00 AM.

Meeting ID: 922 1210 4940

One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,92212104940# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,92212104940# US (Tacoma)

GwenEllyn Anderson (2017) and David MacMillan (2012) currently serve as Co-Directors of Technical Services.

Thursday, September 3

10:00 - 12:00 p.m.
"Introduction to Zoom Meetings," GwenEllyn Anderson, David MacMillan, Zoom

Pre-Semester practice Zoom Sessions on Tuesday or Thursday morning - September 1 or September 3 at 10:00 AM.

Meeting ID: 922 1210 4940

One tap mobile:
+16699009128,,92212104940# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,92212104940# US (Tacoma)

GwenEllyn Anderson (2017) and David MacMillan (2012) currently serve as Co-Directors of Technical Services.

Tuesday, September 8

10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
"Welcome to Fall 2020 ICL," Kasia Quillinan, Dru Johnson, Zoom

Description of Zoom programming for the Fall Semester.

Opening comments from our Executive Director, Kasia Quillinan (2007). Presentation of the online curriculum schedule by Dru Johnson (2018).


11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
"Poetry for Our Times, Introduction to Book Selection for 2020," Vernelle Judy, Betty Kasoff, Becky Miller-Moe, Zoom

Vernelle Judy (2015) and Betty Kasoff (2007) certainly have earned the honor of the Poet Laureates of ICL. The beautiful verses have inspired and provided hope during these changing times. Rebecca Miller-Moe (2017) has provided intellectual analysis in her book reports and writings. She will provide a challenging read in her book selection.

Vernelle Judy (2015) and Betty Kasoff (2007). Rebecca Miller-Moe (2017) currently serves as Leader of Favorite Books and Book Discussion, and is a member of the Curriculum Committee.

Tuesday, September 15

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
"Corona Virus Effects on the Economy," Tom Hibbard,Mark Kasoff, Zoom

COVID-19 has been a powerful shock to economies across the globe and the consequences of this virus may linger for quite some time. This presentation documents key components of U.S. economic performance prior to the onset of COVID-19, reviews the dramatic changes caused by the virus to date, and concludes with our informed observations about economic behavior and system performance in both the near and longer term.

Tom Hibbard (2013) is a Professor Emeritus of Economics at Willamette University. Mark Kasoff (2007) is a Professor Emeritus of Economics and former director of the Canadian Studies Centre at Bowling Green State University.

Tuesday, September 22

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
"Two Women Pioneers of American Architecture," Bill Foster, Zoom

Julia Morgan and Mary Colter, along with Frank Lloyd Wright were contemporaries. Mary Colter worked for Fred Harvey and designed many of the buildings at the Grand Canyon. Julia Morgan designed many buildings in the bay area of California and collaborated with Hearst for thirty years on the design of Hearst Castle.

Bill Foster (2015) serves as the Past Co-Director of Curriculum Services. Bill studied architecture at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo and spent much of his career working for the State of Oregon related to planning and facilities.

Thursday, September 24

10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
"The new era of US-China Great Power Competition," Randal Schriver [Sally Schriver], Zoom

Randall Schriver recently served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security affairs. He resigned in December, 2019. Prior to this, he was CEO and President of the Project 2049 Institute. He has served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Pacific Affairs. 2001-2003 he served as Chief of State and Senior Policy Advisor to the deputy of Secretary of State. 1994-1998 he worked in the office of the Secretary of Defense. 1989-1991 he served as an active-duty Navy Intelligence officer and was deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm. He also served in the Navy Reserves. He is a graduate of South Salem High, Williams College and Harvard University.

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia and Pacific Security. Resigned December, 2019.

Tuesday, September 29

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
"Lincoln and the Civil War," Thomas Glass [Judy Gram], Zoom

Abraham Lincoln and his General's path to Emancipation and Freeing the Slaves during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln's emergence as both a military and a political leader saving the Union and liberating four million African-Americans.

Tom Glass (2019). Author of Lincoln's Senior Generals: Photographs and Biographical Sketches of the Major Generals of the Union Army.

Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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