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Tuesday, November 3

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Six Plays from Play at Home," ICL Play Readers [Barbara McReal], Zoom

Play at Home was developed to inspire joy and connection during this period of social isolation. The ICL Play Readers have selected six plays, each lasting about 15 minutes. The first hour will feature three plays and a Q&A. After a short break, they will present the next three plays.

The ICL Play Readers: Deborah Ehlers, Solveig Holmquist, Rosamund Irwin, Gretchen Jensen, Helen Mazur-Hart, Barbara McReal, Kasia Quillinan, Joan Robinson, Ann Shaffer, Colleen Spedale, Don Taylor, and Stephen Gram.

Tuesday, November 10

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Post Election Results," Dr. Richard Ellis, Dr. Seth Cotlar [Eric Reif and Dave MacMillan], Zoom

Dr. Seth Cotlar and Dr. Richard Ellis will have a conversation about what the results of the 2020 election mean. Questions from the ICL members are encouraged and will be answered/discussed by the presenters.

Dr. Seth Cotlar is a Willamette Professor of History. Professor Richard Ellis is the Mark Hatfield Professor of Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics at Willamette University.

Tuesday, November 17

10:00 am-11:00 pm
"Best Books, 2020," Robin Beerbower [Dru Johnson], Zoom

Robin has made many presentation to ICL regarding Best Books. We will look at her analysis of this year's books, fiction as well as non-fiction.

Robin is now retired from the Salem Public Library. During her time there, she started Operation Bookshelf in collaboration with the Salem Assistance League. She was the author of a well known librarian network called Galley Chat and she now has a blog with readers and colleagues.

Best Books of 2020 by Robin Beerbower (PDF)

Rest of the Best 2020 by Robin Beerbower (PDF)


11:00 am-12:00 pm
"Book Discussion," Rebecca Miller-Moe, Zoom

"American Pandemic: The Lost Worlds of the 1918 Influenza Epidemic". This is a timely non-fiction book as we all struggle to better understand and cope with the situation facing us and the world we inhabit.

Rebecca Miller-Moe (2017) serves as Leader of Favorite Books and the ICL Book Discussion. She retired from work with Willamette University in the Health Center.

Tuesday, November 24

10:00 am-11:00 am
"Up Close and Personal," Janice Petroski, Don Gallagher, Barbara Seller-Young [Don Gallagher], Zoom

ICL is made up of a very interesting groups of folks with fascinating backgrounds. In this session, which has become an ICL tradition, we will get to know a few of them a little better as we ask them to share an interesting story from their family, their work, or world experience.

Don Gallagher (2004), Jeanette Flaming (2000)

11:00 am-12:00 pm
"Semester In-Review. Medley of Christmas Carols," Dru Johnson & Steve Gram, Zoom
A summary by Dru Johnson of the Fall ICL Semester. Steve Gram will play Christmas Carols and members are encourage to sing along (Muted) at home. Screenshots from ICL Zoom events will accompany.

Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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