

Tuesday, November 5th

10:00–11:00 a.m.
"Beginnings: A Dance Concert," Willamette's Pelton Theatre [P. Rasmussen], M. Lee Pelton Theatre

The Willamette Theatre Department's presentation will consist of a discussion of their second production of the year:

Beginnings: A Dance Concert“Beginnings: A Dance Concert”

Artistic Director: Jessi Fouts
Preview: November 14, 7:30 p.m.
Runs: November 15-23
Evening Performances: Thursday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Matinees: November 17 and 23, 2:00 p.m.

Willamette University Theatre will present an evening of dance. The program will incorporate a wide spectrum of movement styles featuring original choreography by the faculty, guest choreographers and students.

Today, director Jessi Fouts and some of her students will present to ICL, introducing us to this production.

11:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m.
"Water Awareness," Don Gallagher, Ford Hall, Room 122

Don GallagherIn preparation for Nov 21st presentation, "The State of the World's Fresh Water Supply," we will view selected clips from the award winning documentary Blue Gold: World Water Wars. In every corner of the globe, we are polluting, diverting, pumping, and wasting our limited supply of fresh water at an expediential level as population and technology grow. The rampant overdevelopment of agriculture, housing and industry increases the demands for fresh water well beyond the finite supply, resulting in the desertification of the earth.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Henry Weinhard—brewer, entrepreneur, first citizen, Portland, Oregon, late 19th century. And Henry Weinhard—inside trader, owner of bawdy houses, womanizer. The Real Henry Weinhard—all of the above." Michael Strehlow, Ford Hall, Room 122

Henry Weinhard, born and raised in Lindenbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, came into the Oregon country in 1856, a few years before statehood. He stayed and built a financial empire in Portland based on brewing good beer. My novel, based loosely on his life, has an old man looking back on his accomplishments, his loves, some of his regrets, all of his successes. As he tells his story, the act of telling the story brings him to a number of realizations about his life, a clarity that was not there before he took on the task of telling about it.

Michael StrehlowMichael Strehlow is a professor of English and American Studies at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. He has published poetry, short stories, and non-fiction in a number of literary magazines including: The Bellingham Review, Sou'wester, Willow Spring, Kansas Quarterly, Mid-West Poetry Review, Poetry Midwest, Oregon Quarterly, Northwest Review, Orchids, Hubbub, Cutbank, and others. His other books: Kesey (non-fiction about Ken Kesey), and An Anthology of Northwest Writing: 1900-1950. See also article, "All that Hoo-Ha" in Spit in the Ocean # 7: All about Ken Kesey, Penguin Books, 2003, edited by Ed McClanahan. Upcoming work: a novel, The Moby-Dick Blues, about lost love, the original manuscript for Moby-Dick (long lost).

Thursday, November 7th

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Great Decisions: "Myanmar and Southeast Asia," [J. Flaming], Ford Hall, Room 122

The West has welcomed unprecedented democratic reforms made by Myanmar's government. What challenges must Myanmar overcome before it can fully join the international community? What role can it play in Southeast Asia? Peter Rasmussen will facilitate leadership of ICL members for the presentation.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Applications of DNA Analysis, Manipulation," Grant Thorsett, Ford Hall, Room 122

Building on the background material introduced in our September discussion, today we will discuss the role of DNA and DNA manipulation in everyday life. Topics may include: DNA analysis as a diagnostic tool; DNA fingerprints, what are they and how are they used in forensics and genealogy; What are genetically modified organisms (GMOs)– are they a good thing or not; What was the human genome project and where do we go from there; Genetic engineering, Transgenic organisms; Cloning; etc.

Grant ThorsettGrant Thorsett is Professor Emeritus at Willamette University.

Education: PhD, Yale University 1969

Teaching Philosophy:
To be an effective teacher, one should be enthusiastic about one’s subject. I thoroughly enjoy both the subject matter that I teach and the interactions that I have with my students. I hope that my enthusiasm is transferred to the students and that they will become engaged in the area of genetics, both at the theoretical and applied level.

Research Interests:
Molecular techniques in microbial ecology

Tuesday, November 12th

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"My Life in Clay," Sara Swink [D. White], Ford Hall, Room 122

Sara SwinkSara Swink will show you some of her playful, hand-built ceramic figures, each a unique expression of her journey through the creative process. Each piece uses human and animal characteristics to tell a story. She’ll share some of the stories behind the pieces, and describe the process leading up to the ideas and how the work is made. She’ll discuss her ideas about image vocabulary and style and how these can be used to touch on the essential nature of every artist.

In the second part of the talk, Sara will touch on historical aspects of ceramics, from early pottery to contemporary art, emphasizing some of the ceramic artists and cultures that have been most influential to her.

Learn more about the bio. of Sara Swink.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
“Breath of Heaven, Breath of Earth: Ancient Near Eastern Art from American Collections," John Olbrantz [Sharon Wright], Roger Hull ¿ì»îÊÓƵ Hall, 2nd floor, Hallie Ford museum of Art

John OlbrantzICL has been invited to a private tour by John Olbrantz, director, of the exhibit “Breath of Heaven, Breath of Earth: Ancient Near Eastern Art from American Collections.” It showcases 64 remarkable objects that represent several thousand years (6000 BCE to 500 BCE) of art from the region known as the Fertile Crescent. Drawing from some of the most distinguished collections in the United States, the exhibition brings together works from over 20 notable institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Brooklyn Museum.

Thursday, November 14th

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"Development and Workings of the Jury System in American Jurisprudence," Kasia Quillinan, Ford Hall, Room 122

Kasia QuillinanWhere did the jury system come from? What’s a moot? What role did judges play? How has the legal system changed over the centuries? We will explore origins and developments which have led to the legal system we know today. We may engage in some role playing with volunteers from our audience.

Our presenter is ICL member Kasia Quillinan.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"How Primary Care Must Change in Health Care Reform," Barry Coplan, M.D. [P. Rasmussen], Ford Hall, Room 122
Description TBA

Tuesday, November 19th

8:30 am – 4:30 pm........(times are approximate)
Field Trip: "A Day in Eugene"

Conger Street Clock Museum
We’ll be divided into 3 groups for our guided tour of the museum’s 23 exhibits where clocks from from all over the world are on display. The exhibits include everything from ornate clocks dating to the 1700’s, to scientific clocks, to futuristic clocks – and grandfather clocks that are a favorite of the museum curator.

Oregon Electric Company Restaurant – Lunch
We will eat in one of the vintage railroad cars that are now used as elegant dining cars. There will be 4 meal options for lunch.

Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
Our group will have docent-led tours of the museum exhibits which include the permanent galleries – Chinese, Japanese, Korean art and sculpture in addition to American and European art. We will also see the traveling exhibits: National Geographic Greatest Photos of the American West, Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives (photos), and Art of Traditional Japanese Theater.

Cost per person is $35

Sign-ups begin on Tuesday, October 29th

Thursday, November 21st

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"The State of the World's Fresh Water Supply," Evelynn Smith & Don Gallagher, Ford Hall, Room 122

In designating 2013 as the UN International Year of Water Cooperation, the UN General Assembly recognizes that cooperation is essential to strike a balance between the different needs and priorities and share this precious resource equitably, using water as an instrument of peace.

Don GallagherIn support of this designation ICL members Don Gallagher and Evelynn Smith will coordinate a presentation on the state of the world's fresh water supply including a brief look at the future water supply in Oregon and in Salem. Certainly our well could never run dry!

Evelynn Smith

The presentation will begin with a photography/music slide show, courtesy of Evelynn and Jerry Smith featuring fresh water and its importance to the flora and fauna of the American West.

The second hour will feature Jen Woody, a hydrogeologist with the Oregon Water Resources Department, which is responsible for water quantity allocation and monitoring in Oregon. Her presentation will provide an overview of water availability issues in Oregon, some of the challenges we face in meeting current and future needs, and both the importance and methodologies used to monitor this natural resource.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Great Decisions: NATO," [J. Flaming], Ford Hall, Room 122

Michael MarksHow has NATO's agenda evolved since its inception during the cold war? With its military commitment in Afghanistan winding down and a recent successful campaign in Libya, what are the Alliance's present-day security challenges? Willamette professor Michael Marks will be our presenter.

Tuesday, November 26th

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"Algebraic Thinking and Misconceptions," Steve Rhine [G. Beck], Ford Hall, Room 122

The purpose of the Algebraic Thinking Project is to restructure preservice math teacher education by synthesizing that research on students’ thinking into a Center for Algebraic Thinking that will empower new teachers to open the algebra gateway with their students. The innovative Center includes an online encyclopedia of algebraic thinking, a catalog of formative assessment problems, a database of technological tools, iPad apps, modules for math methods courses that incorporate research, and a collaborative social network for teachers of algebra.

Steve RhineSteven M. Rhine is Professor of Education at Willamette University. His résumé includes:

Education: B.A. University of California, Los Angeles, M.A. Loyola Marymount University, Ed.D., University of California, Los Angeles

Awards and publications:

• 2007-2008 - Recipient, Fulbright Grant, Fulbright Program. Worked with teachers and university faculty at the National Drahamanov Pedagogical University in Kyiv to consider the range of technological tools possible for effective teaching in kindergarten through university. Learned about the Ukrainian community in order to better understand the large population of Ukrainian and Russian students that Willamette University student-teachers work with in K-12 schools.
• Recipient, Excellence in Teaching and Service Award at Willamette University
• Recipient, Awarded a $1.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education (along with the Oregon Technology in Education Network-OTEN) to increase the quality of technology integration by future teachers
• Author, A Brilliant Teacher
• Author, Integrated Technology, Innovative Learning: Insights of the PT3 Program

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Oregon's new 'Coordinated Care Organizations' under 'Obamacare' " Jeanene Smith, MD, PhD [P. Rasmussen], Ford Hall, Room 122

Jeanene SmithDr. Jeanene Smith is the administrator of the Office for Oregon Health Policy & Research (OHPR), which serves as the policy making body for the Oregon Health Plan. Smith has also served as assistant clinical professor for the Department of Family Medicine at Oregon Health & ¿ì»îÊÓƵs University. Smith’s published and policy-related work has focused primarily on health care benefit design, cost-sharing strategies for Medicaid populations and quality of care in new, emerging models.

Thursday, November 28th



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Institute for Continued Learning

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