

Middle School Guided Tour of the Ancient Collections at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art

As part of the outreach mission, the Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology hopes to establish a program of regularly offered guided tours through the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian collection of the Hallie Ford Museum of Art for middle schoolers.

Every 6th-grader in the Salem-Keizer school district and many 9th-grade honors students study ancient civilizations as part of their Social Studies curriculum. Hardly any middle or high school teacher, however, seems to take advantage of Willamette's Hallie Ford Museum of Art and the gallery full of interesting artifacts fromthese ancient civilizations. CASA's school tour program is intended to make schools and students aware of the wonderful resource that the Hallie Ford is. Additionally, Dr. Ortwin Knorr will provide the necessary expertise that will help make the museum objects come alive. As part of the continued outreach, CASA hopes to establish a regular program in which volunteer guides (faculty and students) associated with CASA lead guided tours through the HFMA's ancient gallery.

On Wednesday, March 9, 2011, at 10:00 am, Elizabeth Garrison, the HFMA Education curator, and Dr. Ortwin Knorr will lead the first 6th-grade class (25 students) and their teacher Noe Riojas from Walker Middle School in West-Salem through the HFMA's ancient collections.

For more information please contact Prof. Knorr at 503-370-6029.

Willamette University

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

Gatke Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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