


Investigations at a Recently Discovered Mycenaean Harbor Town in the Corinthia, Greece, 2007–2010

In 2001, Dr. Tartaron and colleagues discovered a partially submerged, “lost” harbor town built by Mycenaeans in the 13th century B.C. on the Saronic Gulf coast of the southeastern Corinthia. The site, known by the local name Kalamianos, is unique for two main reasons: it is a rare example of a Mycenaean harbor with an attached port town of around 8 hectares in size; and throughout the site architecture is exposed on the surface rather than buried, an exceptional situation that gives us a nearly complete layout of a substantial Mycenaean town even before excavation. The Saronic Harbors Archaeological Research Project (SHARP) was initiated in 2007 with co-director Daniel Pullen to investigate the site and the region surrounding it.

This lecture presents an illustrated summary of the first four seasons of archaeological work (2007–2010). At Kalamianos, more than 60 buildings with 120 identifiable rooms have been mapped, as well as two phases of a town enclosure wall and numerous other features. The association of datable artifacts with wall construction, places the foundation and life of the town within about a century from 1300–1200 B.C., after which the settlement was abandoned at approximately the same time as the collapse of the major Mycenaean palaces. The initial results of underwater research off the coast at Kalamianos give a first glimpse at the shape of the harbor basin in the Bronze Age. In the region beyond Kalamianos, surface survey yielded an astonishing collection of architectural features, including a second major settlement and a series of small fortified enclosures, terrace walls, and cairns to which archaeologists have been able to assign a Bronze Age date. It is apparent that this hinterland was developed as part of a significant economic center anchored at Kalamianos.

Historical questions center on the hypothesis that Kalamianos was part of a Bronze Age Saronic “small world” dominated by Kolonna on Aigina, looming in the Saronic Gulf to the east, until Mycenae emerged and extended its influence into the Saronic region. Kalamianos was a contested periphery where Dr Tartaron and his collegues hope to be able to witness the process of expansion of the emerging state at Mycenae. In this scenario, Kalamianos was founded by Mycenae as a linchpin in a regional strategy of political and economic expansion.

Co-sponsored by Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology and The Salem Society of the Archaeological Institute of America

ASL sign language interpretation is available upon request thanks to an AIA Outreach Grant
by calling 503-370-6654.

Willamette University

Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology

Gatke Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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