

Assistant Professor of Art and Artist
Art Building 306


I grew up in rural Vermont and attended a tiny elementary school where very few of my peers ever imagined going to college. My mom graduated from my college and my dad really values education, so I knew that I would someday go, but I also always knew that paying for school would be really hard with my family’s finances.

I starting working at a young age (babysitting) and continued working through high school and college so that I could help support my educational goals. I attended Beloit College (a liberal arts college much like Willamette) with the help of a Pell Grant, lots of scholarships, and some loans. I worked two jobs in college (one on campus in Admissions and one as a nanny to a local family) and got really good at time management! I am very familiar with stressing over the cost of travel and books as well as negotiating spending holidays with friends instead of my family. I am so grateful for my mentors and friends from college — it truly changed my life.

After a few years in the ‘real world’ I went back to grad school to get my Masters of Fine Arts, partially because I want to make amazing things possible for first generation students. I attended Ohio University because it has a great art school and I had a full scholarship and stipend.

These are questions I am happy to answer: How do you make fun with no money? How do I cook healthy, cheap meals for myself? Where do you find the cheapest flights? How do I schedule my time? Where are good places to get off campus? How do I approach classes that freak me out?

I am so happy to be able to work with awesome Willamette students in our vibrant Art Department. Come see me!

Headshot of Cayla Skillin-Brauchle

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