
Associate Professor of Exercise and Health 快活视频
Faculty Profile
Collins 405


Hello fellow first generation college students and welcome to Willamette University.

I, too, was a first generation college student here at Willamette. I was fortunate that my grandparents and parents, none of whom had completed a college degree, valued my pursuit of a college education.

Even still, the cost of my education is something that stuck with me for years afterward. I realize that not every student’s family is as aware of the benefit of a higher education, and many students are wondering about how they will be able to manage the costs.

I would be happy to be a support person for students who would like to talk about the difficulties they face as they navigate college as a first generation student. Please come talk to me about what options may exist for you in graduate school that don’t require additional financial debt.

Know that staff and faculty at Willamette may have shared some aspects of your own experience. Feel welcome to talk to us - after all, it is our life mission is to support students through their college years and beyond.

Headshot of Brandi Row Lazzarini

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