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Stefan Puchalski

Guest Artist, Hurdy-Gurdy

Headshot of Stefan Puchalski

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Stefan Puchalski studied classical music and jazz on the tuba and saxophone.

Fascinated by traditional dance and fiddle music, he has spent 25 years traveling the world with his ears open. He collects, studies, archives, and, most important of all, plays folk music from many different parts of the world. When he lived in Poland, he was the violinist in two groups, Ket Jo Barat and No Borders. In Washington state, where he now lives, he plays violin and tuba in two folk bands, Airstream Traveller and Polka Project. He is also a tuba soloist with the Port Townsend Orchestra.

"I play the music of European Jews because it allows me to connect with my past. I am an American Jew, whose ancestors are from Eastern Europe. The music I listened to while growing up, together with my interest in traditional art, guided me toward the music of the Ashkenazi. In this music I can discern the influences of folk music from Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia and Ukraine (to name just a few). I play and love the non-Jewish music of these countries as well. Jewish music is, above all, an expression of love, life, happiness, and all that can be called family".

Stefan also makes his own instruments, such as hurdy-gurdies, vielles (medieval fiddles).

Willamette University


M. Lee Pelton Theatre
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.