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Johanna Melamed

Headshot of Johanna Melamed

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Sound designer, Top Girls • 2014-15 Season

Johanna is a sound designer and educator. Most recently she designed the sound for Race at True Colors Theatre in Atlanta. Some of her sound designs in Seattle include The Nerd, Clock Work Professor, Anna Karenina, 33 Variations, and The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, A Winter’s Tale, as well as creating multiple sound scores for visual and media artist Barbara Robertson. Their video installations have been seen/heard at the Gates Foundation, in Norway and soon at the Tacoma Art Museum and the United States embassy in Bern, Switzerland. With visual artist Ellen Sollod, Johanna co-scored The Inner Life of Jack, for Jack Straw Media. She also works for Technology Access Foundation (TAF) where she teaches STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) skills to 5th and 6th graders at Mount View Elementary using Scratch, Kodu and Mindstorm Robotics. Johanna received her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College.

Willamette University


M. Lee Pelton Theatre
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.