

Program Information

The Willamette University music department offers students a program of rigorous and intensive training in specialized music disciplines combined with music core courses in theory, history and literature all within a broad spectrum of courses in other liberal arts disciplines. For the major and non-major alike, the department offers music study and performance through individual instruction, chamber music, large ensembles and general music courses, many of which meet the fine arts requirement of Willamette University's general education program.

The Mary Stuart Rogers Music Center houses the 440-seat Jerry E. Hudson Concert Hall, a rehearsal hall, percussion studio, keyboard lab, faculty teaching studios, practice rooms and the music department administrative offices. The near by Smith Fine Arts Building houses music classrooms, faculty studios and offices, practice rooms, and the 1250-seat G. Herbert Smith Auditorium. A tracker-action organ is housed in the Cone Chapel located in Waller Hall while Hudson Hall features a Hamburg Steinway concert grand piano and a digital electronic organ. The music section of the University library contains a comprehensive and up-to-date collection of music scores, books, microfilm, CDs, videotapes, DVD's and archival recordings. Ford Hall houses a 15-workstation Digital Music Studio and a recording studio.

Admission, Scholarships and Financial Aid

Music scholarships, and other forms of institutional financial aid are available to entering students. Music students applying for admission are encouraged to audition before members of the music faculty for a music scholarship. If an applicant is unable to appear in person, a YouTube recording of a performance may be sent instead of the in-person audition and interview.

Student employment opportunities under the Federal Work-Study program also are available to music students. These opportunities include working in the Music Office and various  clerical jobs for music faculty. Information regarding employment may be obtained from the Music Department Chair or the Director of Student Financial Aid.

Concerts and Recitals

The Music Department presents a regular series of concerts and recitals performed by university ensembles, students and faculty. Music students and faculty engage in extensive concert activities both on and off campus. The major performing ensembles of the department tour regularly throughout the Northwest, California and Canada.

Guest artists with the Grace Goudy Distinguished Artists Series perform and present master classes on campus. The New Music at Willamette Series offers concerts organized by the Swindells Composer-in-Residence. In addition, the Music Department sponsors a weekly student recital to provide students with an opportunity to perform before faculty and peers and to experience repertoire from various media and music history periods. All music majors are required to perform in these recitals at least once each semester except for their first semester. All music events are open to the public.

Music Lessons

Applied music lessons are available in all band and orchestral instruments as well as in piano, voice and guitar. Prior to the beginning of classes in the fall semester, students may audition for placement in the studios of the various applied music teachers. There are special instructional and studio fees for this individual instruction billed to the student account for each semester of study (Fee info available in the Music Student Handbook, available under Student Resources). For more information on lessons and the applied lesson faculty, see the music department web pages.

Music Ensembles

The following music ensembles are open by audition to all Willamette students regardless of major:

  • Chamber Choir
  • Chamber Music Ensemble
  • Dramatic Vocal Arts Ensemble
  • Jazz Ensemble
  • University Chamber Orchestra
  • University Concert Band
  • Voce
  • Waller String Quartet
  • Willamette Jazz Collective
  • Willamette Singers (Vocal Jazz Ensemble)
  • Wind Ensemble

Music majors are required to participate in an ensemble every semester. Policies and specific requirements for B.A. degree are outlined in the Music Student Handbook. Any student contemplating a major in music is strongly urged to read the handbook thoroughly and contact the Music Department Chair before registering. Students may also contact the Music Department directly to obtain a copy of the music handbook.

Degree Programs

Bachelor of Arts in Music

The Bachelor of Arts degree for music majors is designed for those students wishing to major in music while simultaneously taking a broader spectrum of elective and general courses in the College of Arts & 快活视频s. See the catalog section which describes the B.A. degree and its requirements. For this degree at least 80 semester hours other than music must be earned for graduation. Music requirements for this degree appear later in the music section.

Instrumental Proficiency Requirement for Music Majors

No later than the end of the junior year all candidates for a music degree must demonstrate instrumental, or vocal proficiency equivalent to that normally expected after three or four years of advanced private study. A minimum of one year of study at Willamette on that instrument must precede the satisfaction of this requirement. Proficiency requirements are satisfied by a performance for a faculty jury or in a student recital.

Piano Proficiency

Music majors must successfully complete the Piano Proficiency exam as a condition for graduation. Students should plan to pass the Piano Proficiency exam by sophomore spring semester or earlier. The exam is offered twice a year, during exam week in fall and spring semesters.

Students who do not satisfy the piano proficiency by the end of their sophomore year will be required to take piano study in their junior year in preparation for passing the exam. If you need assistance with basic reading, you are strongly encouraged to take the piano class MUSC 140. Approximately 75% of the exam can be completed as part of the MUSC 180 course. Additionally, students are encouraged to take piano lessons, starting at the 170 level to prepare.

Senior Projects and Senior Recitals

During the senior year, each music major must satisfactorily complete either a Senior Project or present a Senior Recital.

All music majors must satisfy a set of basic music requirements as well the University's General Education Program.

Note: Variable semester hours are given for Music 170, 270, 370 and 470: Applied Instrumental and Vocal Instruction (1, 2, or 4). 

Willamette University

Music Department

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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