
  • In May, 2014, Associate Professor was the invited speaker for 's induction ceremony.
  • The paper titled "Isotopy and homotopy invariants of classical and virtual pseudoknots" by Associate Professor with co-authors François G. Dorais, Allison Henrich, and Slavik Jablan, has been accepted for publication in the .
  • Associate Professor was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa on May 10, 2014.
  • On April 28, 2014, part-time faculty member Naveed Ali was selected for the Julie Abendroth, Ed. D., Professor of the Year Award by the Athletics Department at Willamette.
  • The Fourth Annual Pacific Northwest Intercollegiate Ginormous Blokus Tournament was held Sunday, April 27, 2014, in Ford Hall. Willamette math majors competed against the team from Pacific University and reclaimed the PNIGBT trophy with a score of 11 to 3.
  • Associate Professor was a recipient of the Faculty Achievement Award for the 2013-2014 academic year.
  • On April 23, 2014, students Charlotte Abrams, Andrew Bishop, Summer Elias, Sean Fogerty, Rebecca Harper, Yumi Li, Max Lipton, Marika McCarthy, Rachel Robinson, Eric Samelson and Kai Yoshioka were inducted into .
  • Mathematics majors Andrew Bishop, Yumi Li, Max Lipton, Rachel Robinson, and Jeff Schreiner-McGraw, all presented on Student Scholarship Recognition Day held Wednesday, April 16, 2014.
  • On April 13, 2014, the Willamette Math Circle was awarded a $2000 grant from the at the Mathematical 快活视频s Research Institute.
  • Willamette students Andrew Bishop, Sean Fogerty, Jeff Schreiner-McGraw, Georgia Mayfield, Katie Tucker, and Theresa Barosh all participated in the held on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Oregon State University. Andrew, Jeff, and Georgia all presented at the conference and Georgia earned the 2nd prize of the AWM Award.
  • The Student Awards Ceremony was held on April 8, 2014. The following students were awarded the Mathematics Department awards: Luther Award: Andrew Bishop and Katie Tucker, Luther Scholarship: David Livingston, Jeff Schreiner-McGraw, and Katherine Lacy, Jory-Hafferkamp Award: Will Nickerson, Becca Harper, and Eric Samelson, Hall Award: Max Lipton.
  • On April 1, 2014, it was announced that the following mathematics majors were invited to join the Delta Chapter of Oregon as new members of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society: Yumi Li (inducted last year), Katherine Lacy, Lexi Parsagian, Kai Yoshioka, William Agnew-Svoboda, and Katie Tucker. Congratulations to all the new members on their academic achievements!
  • On April 1, 2014, it was announced that senior major Andrew Bishop earned a score of 9 on last year's Putnam Exam. This placed Andrew at 1659 out of 4113 students who took the exam. Other Willamette students who participated in the Putnam last year were Katie Tucker, Georgia Mayfield, Jessica Kawana, Sawyer Rogers, Taylor Matsurmura, and Shelbi Jenkins. Congratulations to Andrew and all the other participants.
  • Associate Professor Josh Laison received a Hewlett Grant to develop his College Colloquium course on games for fall 2015.
  • During his sabbatical in spring 2014, Associate Professor Josh Laison gave the talks "Prime Distance Graphs", "Obstacle Numbers of Graphs", and "Designer Games for the Interested Mathematicians" at the Oregon Institute of Technology, California Lutheran University, California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, Oregon State University, Lewis and Clark College, and Linfield College.
  • On February 25, 2014, Willamette University announced that Professor had been promoted to full professor. Congratulations Colin!!!
  • We received news from Steve Lester (WU 2007) that he recently earned his PhD in mathematics from the last May and currently holds a postdoctoral position at . Steve shared with us that he is enjoying the "opportunity to work with and learn from very strong mathematicians. There are also many opportunities for me to travel. Last October I went to Oberwolfach and next week I will be going to Gottingen." Congratulations Steve on completing the PhD and best of luck at Tel Aviv!
  • Seniors Yumi Li and Katie Tucker recently presented at the in Baltimore, MD held January 15-18, 2014. Yumi co-presented a talk in the AMS Special Session on Research in Mathematics by Undergraduates titled "Finite Geometry in the Card Game SET", based on work she completed at the last summer. Yumi also co-presented a poster in the JMM Student Poster Session with the same title and it received the Outstanding Presentation Award. Katie co-presented a poster titled "Enumeration and Projection Dependence of 1-Singular Knots" based on her work at the last summer.
Willamette University

Mathematics Department

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