

Indicators of Achievement

Student Learning Outcomes for the International Studies Major

  1. Knowledge of international/comparative/global issues: develop an understanding of important international (comparative and/or global) processes and conditions:
    • Students read widely about, follow, and be able to discuss topics of current international significance, with an ability to relate them to economic, historical and political contexts;
    • Students attend or participate in co-curricular events that discuss international affairs (events or trends);
    • Students formulate a research proposal for the senior seminar that draws on and integrates their courses and co-curricular experiences.
  2. Capacity for multidisciplinary and analysis: develop an ability to undertake critical analysis of issues of international, comparative, or global significance that draws on and integrates economic, historical, and political approaches:
    • Students can identify and discuss multiple dimensions of single international trends or problems, including some combination of those issues' economic, historical, political, and economic elements;
    • Students formulate and carry out a research project that reflects a multi-disciplinary approach to such a problem.
Willamette University

International Studies

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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