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Adelaide Kemp


Colloquium Associate

Headshot of Adelaide Kemp

Contact Information

Salem Campus

About Adelaide

  • Major: Environmental 快活视频
  • Minor: Biology, Sustainability
  • Hometown: Milwaukee, WI
  • Extracurriculars: I am the Project Lead for the Growing Oaks Project, Vice President of Farm Club, and am a Student Manager at the Mark Hatfield Library.
  • Favorite classes: I really enjoyed BIOL 399: Fungal Diversity and this semester I took HIST 239: Social Histories of Health: Intimate Histories with Professor Dunlap and loved it.
  • Favorite place on campus: The Environmental 快活视频 Hearth or the spot by the Mill Stream behind Smith.
  • Favorite place off campus: Minto Brown 快活视频 or the Rock Boxx climbing gym.


  • I learned how to dive last year
  • I am a big womens soccer fan, and LOVE the Portland Thorns

My email address is makemp@willamette.edu, and I’m more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have, or just to say hi!

Willamette University

College Colloquium

Office of the Associate Dean
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.