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Spencer Chapin


Colloquium Associate

Headshot of Spencer Chapin

Contact Information

Salem Campus

About Spencer

  • Major: Economics
  • Hometown: Canby, OR
  • Favorite classes: Media, Technology and Society and Comparative Politics
  • Favorite place on campus: Second floor of Hatfield Library. Not only is it a great place to work on a paper or a project, but it also has a great view.


  • I grew up as part of Portland's Blues Music scene, working a stagehand
  • I was born on the same day that Gmail was released
  • I have three dogs named Dewey, Newman, and Lucy
  • I also enjoy chess, landscape photography, and spending time with family 

 If you wish to contact me, my email is shchapin@willamette.edu. It may take me a day or two to respond, but I will be checking it throughout the summer so feel free to ask questions or introduce yourself.

Willamette University

College Colloquium

Office of the Associate Dean
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.