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Fred R. Porta

Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, 2000-2001

Headshot of Fred R. Porta

Contact Information


Dr. Porta, a specialist in Greek poetry and religion, ably represented the Classics at Willamette in the year after Prof. Usher's departure (2000-2001). Among other things, he taught an intermediate Latin prose class on Petronius' Satyricon and Apuleius' Metamorphoses.

Currently, he is a 快活视频r at Stanford University teaching Sanscrit in the Special Languages program. He has also taught Ancient Greek for the Classics Department in the Introduction to the Humanities Program. At student request, he offers classes and tutorials in rarely taught ancient languages such as Old Irish, Mycenaean Greek, ancient Greek dialects, Old Persian, Avestan, Sogdian, Parthian, Khotanese, Tocharian, Gandhari, Pakrit, Pali, Hittite, and Luwian.


  • Ph.D., Harvard University

Select Publications

Greek Ritual Utterances and the Liturgical Style. Diss. Harvard, 1999.

Willamette University

Classical Studies

Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6077 voice
503-370-6944 fax