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Pamela Moro

Professor of Anthropology

Headshot of Pamela Moro

Contact Information


  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (Anthropology), 1988
  • M.A., University of California, Berkeley (Anthropology), 1983
  • B.A., University of California, Berkeley (Music), 1981

Employment History

2006  Professor of Anthropology, Willamette University, Salem, OR
1998  Associate Professor of Anthropology, Willamette University, Salem, OR
1996  Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Willamette University, Salem, OR
         (1999-2002, 2005-07, sp 2011, sp 2012 Chair, Department of Anthropology) 

1991-96 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Illinois Wesleyan University,    Bloomington, IL.  Tenure and promotion to associate status approved in February 1996 

1989-91 Research Associate, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley 

1991 January Intersession lecturer, Social 快活视频s, California State University, Chico 

1989-90 快活视频r (full-time sabbatical replacement), Department of Anthropology
California State University, Chico 

1988-91 Instructor at community colleges in California:  American River, Chabot, Foothill, Laney, Moorpark, and Sacramento City 

1983-1987 Teaching Associate and Assistant, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley

Research and Foreign Experience

Summer 2017 Research at University of Nevada, Reno and University of California, Berkeley libraries, 19th century vernacular violin-playing, social life, musical instruments as meaningful objects 

August 2016 to July 2017 Data coder/research assistant, Natural History of Song project, Harvard University (directed by Samuel Mehr, evolutionary psychology), www.naturalhistoryofsong.org 

July-November 2011 Research in San Francisco Bay Area, on Thai performing arts as supported by Thai Buddhist temples in California 

June-July 2009  Faculty Exchange Scholar, Tokyo International University (through exchange program with Willamette University), Kawagoe, Japan 

Feb-June 2008  Faculty Director of study abroad program for Willamette University students, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia 

Aug-Sept. 2007  Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand
for lecturing, consulting, and research 

Aug-Dec. 2002  Affiliated Fellow, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands, for research on music and nationalism in S and SE Asia 

Summer 1998  Visiting Scholar, Institute for International Studies, UC Berkeley 

Jan-Apr. 1995  Documentation of Northern Thai processional music, with focus on ritual, festival, gender, in Chiang Mai, Thailand 

Summer 1992  Documentation of Thai musical instrument making, in Bangkok/Thonburi area and adjacent provinces, Ayuthia, and Chiang Mai area, Thailand 

1985-86  Research for doctoral dissertation, on music and musicians in Bangkok, Thailand, supported by Fulbright IIE



Author, Violins:  Local Meanings, Globalized Sounds.  Routledge (Taylor and Francis) Series for Creative Teaching and Learning in Anthropology. Under final review by series editors before production.  Expected publication date February 1, 2019. 

Author/editor, Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion:  a Reader in the Anthropology of Religion 9e, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 491 pp.; published September 2012 (copyright 2013.) 

Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion:  a Reader in the Anthropology of Religion, co-editor with James Myers, McGraw-Hill Publishers. (8e 2010, 516 pp.;  7e 2008, 556 pp.;  6e 2005, 538 pp.)
Reviewed by committee of peer consultants.

Thai Music and Musicians in Contemporary Bangkok, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph No. 34, University of California, Berkeley, 1993. (271 pp.)


In press – “Religion and the transmission of Thai musical heritage, in Thailand and the U.S.,” chapter accepted for inclusion in book, Critical Perspectives on Music, Education, and Religion, Indiana University Press.  New title as of July 2018:  Music, Education, and Religion:  Intersections and Entanglements. Expanded version of paper presented at conference in Helsinki, August 2015.  Chapter proposal accepted in March 2015. Manuscript submitted in June 2015 and revised May 2016.   (5,488 words)  Final editorial acceptance June 15, 2016.  Going to press August 2018. 

In press – “Witchcraft, sorcery, and magic,” invited essay for International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Wiley Press.  Contracted in September 2014, manuscript submitted in July 2015.  (5,515 words)  Final editorial acceptance May 28, 2016. 

Music as Activist Spectacle:  AIDS, Breast Cancer, and LGBT Choral Singing in Public Performances:  Studies in the Carnivalesque and Ritualesque ed. Jack Santino Boulder:  University Press of Colorado/Utah State University Press, pp. 189-204, 2017. 

Literature review and annotated bibliography on Thai music, Oxford Bibliographies Online, peer reviewed (April 2014) and copy edited (May 2014).  Commissioned. 

There She Was:  Love, Courtship, and Marriage in Performances by Gay and Lesbian Choruses in Music, Dance, and the Art of Seduction ed. Frank Kouwenhoven and James Kippen.  Delft, The Netherlands:  Eburon, pp. 185-196, 2013.  Refereed/selected by volume editors in 2007. 

Literature review and annotated bibliography on the concept of magic in the anthropological literature, Oxford Bibliographies Online, peer reviewed and online as of February 2012.  Commissioned. 

Thai Buddhism and the Popularity of Amulets in Anthropological Perspective in Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion 8th edition ed. Pamela Moro and James Myers, McGraw-Hill Publishers, pp. 34-41, 2010.  Lightly refereed by McGraw-Hill consultant in 2009, and peer-reviewed when the volume was revised for a new edition in 2011-12. 

Defining the classical in studies of South and Southeast Asian music:  a review and evaluation of pertinent scholarship, E-ASPAC, 2005 issue (peer-reviewed electronic publication)

Constructions of nation and the classicization of music:  comparative perspectives from Southeast and South Asia, Journal of Southeast Asia Studies, 35(2):187-211, 2004.

Elite music and nationalism:  how does music become classical?  Newsletter of the International Institute for Asian Studies, Issue 31, p. 18, July 2003. 

Fourteen commissioned entries for Baker’s Dictionary of World Music, submitted July 2002.  Project suspended for possible transfer to another publisher. 

Building a one-person minor:  anthropology in cooperation with neighboring disciplines, Federation of Small Anthropology Programs Newsletter 3(2):2-3, 1994. 

Teachers on tape:  innovation and experimentation in teaching Thai music, Balungan, 5(1):15-20, 1991.

Musical notation in Thailand, Journal of the Siam Society 78:101-108, 1990.

Thai music and attitudes towards the past, Journal of American Folklore 102:190-194, 1989.

Names and civil service titles of Siamese musicians, Asian Music, 19(2):82-92, 1988.

Songs for life:  leftist Thai popular music in the 1970s, Journal of Popular Culture 29(3):93-113, 1986. 

Book and Recording Reviews

Realizing the Witch: 快活视频, Cinema, and the Mastery of the Invisible, by Richard Baxstrom and Todd Meyers.  NY:  Fordham University Press, 2016.  Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (Great Britain and Ireland), submitted June 2017.  750 words. 

The Anthropology of Eastern Religions: Ideas, Organizations, and Constituencies, by Murray J. Leaf.  Lanham, MD:  Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.  Journal of Religious & Theological Information, Volume 13, Issues 3-4, 2015, pp. 93-94. 

Laos. Molams and Mokhenes. Singing and Mouth Organ - Single CD with 12pp. of notes by Véronique de Lavenere, Inedit/Maison des Cultures du Monde: W260137, France, 2009 and  Laos. Music of the Ancient Royal Court of Luang Prabang.  Tiao Phün Muang Single - CD with 28pp. of notes by Jean-Marie Knapp, AIMP LXXXI Archives Internationales de Musique Populaire AIMP & VDE-GALLO: VDE CD-1213, France, 2008.  Ethnomusicology Forum 22(2):263-6.  1000 words. 

Jâtaka Stories in Theravâda Buddhism: Narrating the Bodhisatta

Path, by Naomi Appleton. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2010.  Journal of Folklore Research, December 2011, 869 words. 

We Have a Religion: The 1920s Pueblo Indian Dance Controversy and American Religious Freedom, by Tisa Wenger.  Chapel Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 2009.  Journal of Folklore Research, September 2009, 966 words, http://www.indiana.edu/~jofr/review.php?id=817 

Challenging Gender Norms: Five Genders Among the Bugis of Indonesia, by Sharyn Graham Davies.  Belmont, CA:  Thomson Wadsworth, 2007.  Anthropological Forum 19(1):111-113, 2009.   

The Ethnographic Eye: a Methodological Novel About Ethnography, by Carolyn Ellis.  Walnut Creek, CA:  AltaMira Press, 2004.  Symbolic Interaction, 29(2):265-269, 2006. 

Thai Classical Singing: Its History, Musical Characteristics, and Transmission, by Dusadee Swangviboonpong.  Hampshire, England:  Ashgate Publishing, 2003.  NOTES:  the Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, Vol. 62:152-3, 2005. 

Dance of Life: Popular Music and Politics in Southeast Asia, by Craig A. Lockard.  Honolulu:  University of Hawaii Press, 1998.  Indonesia 70:165-6, 2000. 

Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific, ed. Lenore Manderson and Margaret Jolly.  Chicago: Univ. of Chicago press, 1997.  Crossroads:  an Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 13:126-8, 1998. 

Thailand’s Turn: Profile of a New Dragon, by Elliott Kulick and Dick Wilson.  NY:  St. Martinís Press, 1992.  Journal of Third World Studies 12:314-8, 1995. 

Performance in Java and Bali: Studies of Narrative, Theatre, Music, and Dance, ed. Bernard Arps.  SOAS, University of London, 1993.  Crossroads:  an Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 8:253-5, 1994. 

Dance, Drama, and Theatre in Thailand: the Process of Development and Modernization, by Mattani Mojdara Rutnin. Tokyo: Center for East Asian Cultural Studies for UNESCO, 1993.  Journal of Asian Studies 53:1327-9, 1994. 

Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology: Text, Context, and Performance in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, ed. Amy Catlin.  UCLA, 1992. Journal of American Folklore 107:453-5, 1994. 

African Stars: Studies in Black South African Performance, by Veit Erlmann.  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1991. Journal of American Folklore 106:242-4, 1993. 

Hindu Gods at Sukodhaya, by M.C. Subhadradis Diskul. Bangkok: White Lotus Co., 1990.  Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 22(2):461-3, 1991.

Willamette University

Asian Studies

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