

In a tea seasoned lofty lavish floral chit-chattery antique airy room: Andrew Douglas Campbell

Roger W. Rogers Gallery

Fall 2022

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Artist Statement:

“this sissy sits and sips whilst he lisps and sips again."

Artist Bio:

Andrew Douglas Campbell is an artist and delinquent sissy from Chicago, currently residing in Eugene Oregon where he makes art, supports art, and teaches art. Unsure about how to formally introduce himself, here is a list of past and present institutions he is affiliated with: Tropical Contemporary, Linn-Benton Community College, University of Oregon, Lillstreet Art Center, ThreeWalls Gallery, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Andrew Douglas Campbell is probably craving ramen or a peach, and he has had the pleasure of exhibiting art in Chicago, Portland, Eugene, Corvallis, Seattle, and New York.

Willamette University

Studio Art

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6738 fax

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