

Most Willamette courses carry four (4) credits; some courses are worth two (2) or one (1) credit. While you are considered a full-time student if you enroll in at least twelve credits per semester, the normal course load per semester is sixteen credits in "solid" subjects. In addition to the normal load of four "solid" courses, you may add in a partial credit course (1 to 2) as well, for a total of up to eighteen credits per semester. If you are taking an ensemble or activity course (Chamber Orchestra or Aerobics, for example) which has an "X" as part of the course number, you may add this above the 18 credits in a semester without incurring an additional tuition charge.

As you plan your fall schedule, keep in mind that you must have a total of 124 credits in order to graduate.


  • WR TRAN = 1st Writing Requirement
  • GEN AH = Arts and Humanities Distribution
  • GEN MS = Mathematical 快活视频s Distribution
  • GEN NS = Natural 快活视频s Distribution
  • GEN SS = Social 快活视频s Distribution
  • GEN CV = Culture and Values-World Engagement
  • GEN [Language taken] = Non-English Language (e.g. Spanish 131, German 132, etc.)-World Engagement
  • GEN [Language taken]= Non-English Language Study beyond the 132 (e.g. French 231, Greek 232, etc.)-level-World Engagement
  • GEN PDE = Power, Diversity, and Equity-World Engagement
  • GEN SA = Study Abroad-World Engagement
  • GEN SL = Service Learning-World Engagement
  • GEN 001 (and above) = General Elective Credit
  • MUSC 001 (and above) = General Elective Credit in Music

Important Notes:

  1. The Registrar’s Office does not give equivalencies for Major requirements. When you declare a major the department will determine your credits toward the major.
  2. The Transfer Equivalency Report shows all transfer courses that we have accepted, but will only show equivalent credit for the maximum amount of credit allowed. We only allow a maximum of 64 credits by transfer. For more information regarding transfer credit, please refer to our Transfer Credit policy.
  3. Junior transfers may petition to have one course approved as writing-centered. Petitions must be submitted during the student's first semester at Willamette.
  4. Questions regarding transfer credits should be directed to the Registrar's Office at 503-370-6206 or registrar@willamette.edu.
Willamette University

Transfer Student Advising

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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