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Transgender Inclusion Statement

Willamette University is committed to upholding the dignity and worth of all individuals. Creating an environment where everyone is free of discrimination and has an opportunity to be supported and valued is key to productive learning, along with personal and professional development. We understand that there are differences in a variety of personal identities, for instance as it relates to gender identity and expression. Willamette University is committed to aligning our practices, policies, and campus environment to create a community of inclusion for transgender students, employees and visitors.

As an institution, we recognize that our history is tied to a white supremacist culture that has historically elevated the experiences, histories, and traditions of cisgender people, among other privileged identities. Our hope for a future where all people are able to pursue their ambitions begins with an acknowledgment of how we, as an institution and as individuals upholding systemic policies and ideologies, have been a part of perpetuating this history and how it has created unnecessary barriers and emotional strife for transgender students, alumnx and employees.

We aim to be forward-thinking in our efforts to promote trans inclusion by listening to trans perspectives in our community, adjusting practices and policies for the well-being of trans people, offering support services and resources to our students, responding to complaints of bias or discrimination, and creating space for ongoing institutional accountability.