
Location: Ford 202
  • Open 7:30AM through 10:00PM Weekdays
  • Unique Door-Codes assigned to CS Students for after-hours access
  • Closed during official campus holidays, Summer access may be limited
Who can use it? Willamette Students, Staff, & Faculty
Can it be scheduled/reserved?

Yes. Classroom is frequently reserved for classes. Check availability with Scheduling, Events, and Conferences.

Hardware Available:
  • 24 iMac 27" systems running MacOS
  • 1 Scanner
  • 1 Mac instructor station with ceiling-mounted projector and screen
  • WUPrint Printing available in the Math Hearth at the east end of the 2nd floor
Software Available:

Standard NSS Mac Lab Image

Also: Anaconda

Contact Person:

Jeff Allen, WITS USC, Natural and Social 快活视频s
Ford 103b

Willamette University

Willamette Integrated Technology Services

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6004 voice
503-375-5456 fax

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