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Employee Responsibilities and Resources

If you have experienced discrimination or harassment

Any staff member, faculty member or student who believes they have been the subject of discrimination or harassment should report the circumstances immediately to the Title IX Coordinator or the AVP for Human Resources/Deputy Title IX Coordinator. If a report is not made, the University may not be able to address the inappropriate behavior.

If you are aware of discrimination or harassment

Employees, have certain obligations to report prohibited discrimination, harassment and misconduct when they suspect or have reason to know that it may be occurring to others. These obligations are outlined in the Discriminatory Misconduct Policy and Protocol for Employees at Sections 9-12.

All employees (except those that are confidential employees) are expected to immediately report information they receive about sexual misconduct occurring in the student environment (non-work). Reports can be made directly to the above individuals, or through the online sexual misconduct reporting form.

Supervisors and other University officials receiving complaints of potential harassment or other discriminatory misconduct are required to consult with the AVP for Human Resources immediately upon receiving a complaint. A supervisor should not attempt to resolve a complaint of harassment without assistance from the AVP for Human Resources, or other Human Resources designee. Managers and supervisors are encouraged to take prompt and appropriate action to address isolated instances of conduct that might, if repeated or continued, become a policy violation. Any supervisor who has reason to suspect conduct that may constitute harassment or discrimination under this policy has happened must likewise immediately report such conduct to the AVP for Human Resources.

While non-supervisory employees are not required to report incidents between fellow employees in the employment environment (that do not involve a student), the University strongly encourages that you refer coworkers to confidential resources that can assist them in assessing their situation.

All employees are required to comply with state law obligations to report suspected child abuse.

Employees may also have certain reporting obligations consistent with their designation as a Clery Campus Security Authority.

Employee Resources

Remember that self-care is also important. As an employee to whom others may disclose possible instances of abuse, discrimination or harassment, these interactions may cause personal distress. This is not unusual, and there are resources to help you deal with personal feelings that may arise from dealing with issues of this nature.

Employees can find confidential resources and support as well through the following confidential resources for aid or assistance, including assistance in deciding whether or not to come forward with their own complaint:

  • University Employee Assistance Program: 1-800-433-2320
  • Center for Hope & Safety: which provides support for people of all genders, is an off-campus resource which is also confidential – their 24-hour hotline is 503-399-7722 or toll free in Oregon at 1-866-399-7722.
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline provides anonymous and confidential support – their 24-hour hotline is 1-800-656-4673.
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline and online chat 1-800-799-7233
Willamette University

Division of Student Affairs

University Center 3rd Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.