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Colloquium Associate Job Description

Program Description

In order to help guide first-year students toward success in academic life at Willamette, the CAS will appoint upper-class students as Associates (CA) in each College Colloquium (CC) section. Working alongside the faculty instructor, a campus partner attached to their CC, and staff affiliates, Colloquium Associates will take a primary role in delivering the Community-building, Health, and Academic Success Experience (CHASE) curriculum. During regular CC class meetings they may, at the discretion of the professor, help lead discussion, participate in other forms of instruction, and/or model desirable classroom behavior. Outside of class, they will be expected to hold office hours for mentoring and academic support, including connecting students with resources on campus. CAs also attend a weekly training (IDS 303X: Colloquium Leadership) to develop the skills they will need to effectively deliver CHASE and mentor students. 


We are seeking individuals who are motivated to help others grow academically and personally, as well as to improve their own abilities as educators, mentors, and leaders

  • Colloquium Associates may be majors in any discipline, but ideally should have some prior experience with the professor or content of the Colloquium section to which they are assigned. 
  • They should have at least one full year on campus and be in good academic and judicial standing; preference will be given to juniors and seniors (as of the 2023-24 academic year).
  • CAs can also serve as RAs if they have completed at least one year of experience in one of the two roles.


Colloquium Associates will enroll in a 4-credit Colloquium Leadership class, IDS 303. In order to earn credit for this course, they will be expected to:

  • Attend Colloquium and complete any required readings
  • Serve as a mentor to the Colloquium cohort
  • Provide assistance to the CC professor
  • Attend trainings in May and August, and a 1 hour weekly class during the fall
  • Help deliver the CHASE content, including sessions on:
    • Navigating WU (campus resources and activities)
    • Assessing values
    • Academic Support: Time Management; How to use SAGE; Planning for majors
    • Engaging with Difference at Willamette
    • Career Exploration

Time Commitment

Colloquium Associates will also be expected to engage actively with their first-year students an average of 3 office hours a week outside of class to:

  • Hold out-of-class discussions of CC content
  • Support writing development, quantitative development, or creative development
  • Provide informal intellectual mentoring
  • Provide academic support, including helping students make connections to other resources


  • Associates will be paid hourly for their office hours and leading the weekly CHASE session (average of 4 hours/wk).
  • Associates will receive 4 academic credits for completing IDS303X.

Willamette University

Student Engagement and Leadership

Putnam University Center, Second Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6463 voice
503-370-6407 fax