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Black Lives Matter Statement

A statement from the Panhellenic Council on Black Lives Matter:

Greek organizations were built upon racist, elitist ideologies that still permeate today. It is crucial that as members of the Panhellenic community, we check ourselves and the privilege that many of us carry as we navigate the world. Our organizations are going to continue to improve on providing a space for all, while also making sure that we are providing the education that many of our members need.

We should NOT expect to learn and understand after discussing it ONCE, but, instead, be continuously educating ourselves while being aware of the space that we take up when we enter a room. We should NOT expect ourselves to be educated by a BIPOC. We SHOULD always be listening to our BIPOC individuals and NEVER allowing their voices to be left unheard. It should not just be TODAY but EVERY DAY.

Being silent is just another way that we are contributing to the violence against the black community. If you are with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, be an ALLY by amplifying the voices. Do not speak over them. They have needed support for so long, but many have failed to listen. At this moment, we need to do MORE than just share posts. That is NOT ENOUGH. There is more to the BLM movement than sharing posts or following trends on social media. Donate. Attend protests. Continue to have tough conversations with friends and family, as well as yourself. Center black voices and support black artists, creators, and black-owned businesses. Educate yourself and keep checking your privilege. And make a commitment to doing those things after the trends and protests die down. #BlackLivesMatter

Willamette University

Student Engagement and Leadership

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