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2022 Senior Certificates & Keys

Senior Certificates

Senior Certificates honor members of the senior class who have contributed “Service to the Associated Students.” Recipients are selected based on their time and effort spent in the name of Willamette University, the diversity of their activities, and their impact on other students. These recipients are honored for their service to the Division of Student Affairs and ASWU programs.

Andrea Griffin

Andrea Griffin

Andrea’s contributions to the Willamette community are broad ranging, she is humble and works very hard. Most exemplary are her commitment to ASWU's restructuring and antiracist plan committees. Andrea is a pragmatic member of the Collegian’s executive team and has contributed positively to changing the organization's media structure. During Covid, Andrea was instrumental in helping the paper transition to online-only publication -- helping to transform the layout and design teams and transition them (successfully) to online work. Andrea's contributions have contributed to efficiency in work (by others and herself) and to creating more opportunities for students to contribute art and photography to the paper.

Andrea’s service to the WU community and to her fellow students is praiseworthy for its consistency and its broad reach. Her contributions have formed a great overall support to other students on campus - and in the Salem community.


  • Collegian
    • Media Content Manager
    • Layout Editor
  • ASWU Senator
  • Opening Days Leader
  • Musicalia Strategic Marketing and Talent Outreach Coordinator
  • Native and Indigenous Student Union Member
  • Queer and Trans People of Color Member
  • Neurodivergent People of Color Member
  • Farm Club Member
  • MOSAICS Mentor
  • Chemawa Tutor

Andrew Kibbee

Andrew Kibbee

Andrew is persistent, consistent, and organized. Andrew has led many projects to bring not just our student athletes together but also to bind our entire student population with our student athletes. He was one of the 4 student athletes who helped start the SECURE group: a mental health and wellness group for student athletes, and, per Andrew’s leadership, also has events open for the general student population.

Andrew stands out as someone who wants to help, but will also take the responsibility to lead. Whether it is professional development night, doing grad panels, going to conferences, setting up activities, or hosting talks on athlete mental health, Andrew has exemplified how a student athlete can impact their community. He has taken the opportunity to become a better leader not only in athletics but amongst his peers and administration.


  • Men's Golf Team member and co-captain
  • Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
    • Member
    • Co-President
  • SECURE Mental Health and Wellness Group
    • Co-Creator
    • Social Media Coordinator
  • Intramural Supervisor

Avery Michelsen

Avery Michelsen

There are few individuals as involved with Willamette’s campus as Avery. She is a driving force to get things done and do those things with a lens of inclusion. Avery has focused on supporting their fellow student-athletes and to be able to work on projects that affect the entire student body. She goes above and beyond in everything she does. She maintains a positive outlook that allows her to work with all kinds of individuals. Avery’s most incredible trait is her ability to approach problems from a new perspective. She leads effective discussions based on respect and a common goal, the results of which are typically solutions that are best for our entire community.

She is a leader with drive and passion that are contagious to those around her. Avery has dedicated her undergraduate (and first year of her graduate education as a 3+2 student) to the service of our community. She has worked tirelessly to bridge the gap between the Willamette community to student-athletes and members of the Greek community. She has made our community a more supportive and caring place and has done it all with very little recognition and praise. Her humility shines when she speaks of her accomplishments, as if they were her absolute pleasure to do for our community.


  • Willamette Executive Board Co-President
  • Varsity Athlete, Women's Basketball
  • Varsity Athlete and Team Captain, Track and Field
  • Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
    • Member
    • Executive Board Member
  • Northwest Conference SAAC - Executive Board Member
  • Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
    • Member
    • Executive Board Member: VP Philanthropy, VP Public Relations, VP Membership Programming
  • WU L.E.A.D.
    • Program Facilitator
    • Committee Member
  • OneLove Campus Ambassador
  • Beyond Sports- Student-Athletes Abroad, Intern for a Special Olympics Sports Program

Carson Herrick

Carson Herrick

The many roles Carson played throughout his time at Willamette to ensure the continued success of our athletic programs were exemplary. That he coupled his involvement with athletics and his fraternity with volunteer service to Willamette Academy and to our neighboring Salem-Keizer school district demonstrates an exemplary commitment to community.

Carson stands out through his broad-based commitment to athletics at Willamette. He was not just active in his two varsity sports (which would be notable in and of itself) but he supported a broad range of other teams and activities serving as a public address announcer at home sports events, and, as an employee at the Sparks Fitness Center.

Carson is self-motivated, reliable, and well-organized. He kept the fraternity going during the pandemic and worked hard to keep as much normalcy without sacrificing safety. In his final semester at Willamette, he volunteered to help serve in an IFC executive role because there was a need. Normally outgoing presidents do not contribute to large leadership positions, and it shows Carson's overall commitment to the FSL experience, not just his own chapter.


  • Varsity Athlete: Cross Country
  • Varsity Athlete: Track & Field
  • Sigma Chi Fraternity
    • Member
    • President
    • New Member Educator
  • Interfraternity Council
    • VP Admin
    • IFC rep
  • Willamette Academy volunteer

Cassie Stoffer

Cassie Stoffer

As General Manager of the Bistro, Cassie is responsible for safeguarding a 35-year old tradition, a significant role during a "normal" year, but incredibly challenging during the pandemic. While the Bistro is a sacred student space, it is also an employer of 25-30 students each year. With sales struggling due to remote work and quiet periods, Cassie and the rest of the management team worked tirelessly to adjust their operations in an effort to retain student jobs and keep the Bistro open. She kept her sense of humor along with an amazing work ethic, and was an absolute pleasure to work with.

Cassie is an incredibly notable member of our campus community, and our university would not be the same without her here. She exemplifies what it means to be an excellent manager in the Bistro: She cares about everybody who is a part of it, patron or employee. She has given her all to this very special place: working around the clock, heading to the shop at early hours, and sometimes staying long after working hours. Cassie loves everybody as if they've been friends with her for years. She just has an energy that nobody can match on campus.


  • Bistro
    • General Manager
    • Communications & Media Intern
  • SOAR Center volunteer
  • Restorative Justice Coalition
  • Volleyball Club

East Steelman

East continuously created space for other student voices and space at Willamette. They are willing to grow and take criticism to learn and expand their horizon therefore showing the same possibilities for the rest of the Willamette community. East is not only willing to listen, but is also willing to stand as an ally without dominating the spaces where they do so. East does not have issues confronting people in their biases and confronting their own biases. They continuously go above and beyond to ensure that there is a consensus amongst community members before moving forward on projects. In this, they ensure diverse perspectives are heard and valued and are able to uplift the entire Native community at Willamette. East served as a role model for future students who will continue to steward the ideas and movements they support.

In addition to being an exceptional writer, researcher, and speaker, East is an exceptional communicator with peers, faculty, and staff. They are organized, thoughtful, and responsible. They have maintained deep commitment to co-curricular activities while achieving academically. East nearly single-handedly kept NISU going through COVID times. East created, among other things, amazing web-based virtual programming for Indigenous Peoples' Day & Week in 2020 & 2021.


  • Native and Indigenous Student Union (NISU) President
  • Growing Oaks Project - Student Consultant
  • Admission Ambassador
  • Native American Advisory Council (NAAC) member

Isabella Lamb

Isabella Lamb

Isabella has been very dedicated to her passions. She has given of her time and talents to many different types of activities over the duration of her time at Willamette. Since half of her Willamette experience was during a pandemic, this is impressive.

During her tenure as Opening Days Coordinator, Isabella was faced with the extra challenge of managing the program during the first year of the pandemic, OD 2020. Isabella and her team took a highly relational experience and adapted every aspect to conform to new University-wide safety protocols. Things were constantly changing and there were many unanswered questions. Despite this, the program went very well and we all learned a lot in the process.
Isabella naturally stands out because of her kindness and her sunshine-y personality. She is constantly volunteering her time and making an effort to help other students succeed. She is overall just an incredible and selfless person.


  • Opening Days
    • Coordinator
    • Leader
    • Transfer Orientation Leader
  • Blitz Coordinator
  • Up Top
    • Vice President
    • Social Media Manager
  • Language in Motion Facilitator
  • Student Life Committee

Lauren Burchinal

Lauren Burchinal

Her time as Bearcat Chat Caller and Manager over the last year has helped the University retain alumni funds that will benefit both current and future students through University improvements and scholarships. Her time as Colloquium Associate greatly impacted the undergraduate students she mentored and worked with over the course of 2 years.

Lauren is an individual who both rises to the occasion and truly excels in her efforts. You will not find a student more studious, kind, and admirable than Lauren Burchinal. The effort and engagement she puts into being a member of the Willamette community is top notch. All those that know Lauren will note her bright spirit and humble intelligence within the classroom. Her ability to appropriately balance her schedule of activities with her study should also be admired.

While Lauren’s list of involvements may not be as long as some nominees, the amount of dedication she puts toward each role and her ability to properly maintain a positive school/work/life balance should be commended.


  • Colloquium Associate
  • Bearcat Chat
    • Student Caller
    • Student Manager
  • Yearbook Data Acquisition Project
  • Colloquium Associate - (May 2020-December 2021)
  • Mark O. Hatfield Library Research Award

Lily Clancy

Lily Clancy

Lily has been a present and reliable leader. Lily stands out because of her insightful comments, ability to focus on execution of tasks, and willingness to admit mistakes and try again. She is secure and vulnerable in ways that prompt others to feel safe. Lily sees opportunity in taking risks and takes satisfaction in feedback for growth and improvement.

Lily has launched a number of resource materials including a sexual health zine, a collaborative promotion with Students for Sustainability to giveaway menstrual cups, made significant updates to the GRAC resource webpages, and created a resource about reproductive justice as it pertains to Black History and racial justice. Lily also helped to bring forth the installation of condom dispensers in all resident hall restrooms, and availability of free period products in all residence halls.

Lily's history at WU has been all about exemplary service. She has served as a leader in formal roles and informal social settings urging students to be advocates for their own sexual wellness. When I think about influence from diverse involvement as a student leader at WU, I think about Lily as a model.


  • Resident Assistant
  • Colloquium Associate
  • Writing Center Consultant
  • Sexual Health Resource Specialist
  • Choice Action Team
  • Title IX Advisory Committee

Madeline Kaplan

Madeline Kaplan

Maddy has been involved in a variety of organizations on campus and the work that she does in each has made a lasting difference on the school and the student body as a whole. From theater to Jewish Student Union to sorority life, Maddy has made meaningful connections with students all around campus. She truly brings her heart and soul to every project, and helps her collaborators shine in their roles. She is a remarkable leader, person, and role-model, and her work will continue to benefit the Willamette community well beyond her graduation.

Maddy is very aware of herself and others, and is able to help people improve in their positions while always being sure to set goals and take steps to improve the work that she does as well. She is not afraid to take on a challenge, and as a natural leader and problem solver, she is able to approach new situations with grace and care in order to make sure that every job is done well.

Maddy is incredibly empathetic and welcoming which are the most important and yet frequently the most difficult aspects of being a leader. She is such a caring person, and the effort and time that she puts into her roles extends far beyond the tasks that she is given.
Maddy's dedication, positivity and drive are unmatched. There is not another student who has given as much of their time, energy, love and spirit to admission efforts as Maddy. She has done a great service to the university in her efforts to welcome, inform and energize prospective students. I know many excellent students who cite Maddy's involvement in their recruitment process as a compelling reason for matriculating and there are countless others who have been affected by her efforts. Our community is truly lucky to have had her these past four years.


  • Jewish Student Union
    • Member
    • Communications Director
  • Pi Phi
    • Member
    • Vice President of Recruitment
    • Chapter President
  • SOAR Center Volunteer
  • Undergraduate Office of Admission
    • Admission Ambassador Special Visit Coordinator
    • Intern for Operations and Events
  • Willamette University Theater Department
    • Lighting Studio Technician
    • Lighting Studio Supervisor

Nathan Brown

Nathan Brown

Nathan is arguably one of the most kind-hearted people on campus. He is a strong advocate for the things he believes in and is a creative problem-solver in the face of barriers.

Nathan has made WEMS more open and inclusive by ensuring this service is available to all members of the WU community, taking a personal responsibility to better WEMS as a medical team and contributing organization for the student body.

Nathan has dedicated well over 1,000 hours to be on call for WEMS over the course of his degree, meaning he has given most of his weekends and weeknights. It's easy to see through his activities how much he cares about Willamette, and he truly is a humble person who would never ask to be recognized despite the tremendous amount of work he has put into making our campus safer and healthier.


  • Willamette Emergency Medical Services
  • Anatomy and Physiology Teaching Assistant
  • ASWU Committees
    • Campus Safety Officer Hiring
    • Campus Safety Operations and Relations
    • Bishop Wellness Center Relations
    • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Willamette Website management

Noah Dantes

Noah Dantes

Noah has contributed tremendously to the WU community - especially through his work at The Collegian. When he was Editor in Chief he brought transparency to the group's function and respect to the organization as a whole. Noah embraced the hard work, set attainable goals - and achieved them - and didn't let personal agendas get in the way of his work. He unified the staff, provided opportunities for others to learn and grow, and has always been open to feedback and constructive criticism.

Noah provided support to peers and colleagues while respecting their unique needs and knowledge. He led his team to develop a culture that fostered professional development and equity. Noah exemplified a constructive listener who was able to hear opposing opinions and have open discussions about how to reach collaborative solutions. In addition to striving to support his peers and fellow students, Noah also worked to ensure that The Collegian established and maintained positive and effective relationships with university staff, faculty and administration.

Noah exemplifies honor. He is someone who looks to be fair in everything he does. As a teammate, he seeks not only to carry his own weight but to uplift and support others through their own endeavors. Noah prioritized authenticity, validity, and positivity through his work.
Overall, Noah is an outstanding human. He is well-liked by his peers, works hard on behalf of others, and has left a positive legacy and impression for students in future leadership positions.


  • The Willamette Collegian
    • Editor-in-Chief
    • Managing Editor
    • Staff writer
    • Contributor
  • Outdoor Program
    • Leader
    • Staff
  • Jump Start leader
  • Nerf Club: Vice President & Treasurer

Oakley Fielder

Oakley Fielder

Oakley has made direct student impact and as well as created or carried forward institutional initiatives devoted to improving student lives. His leadership was evident in how he developed programs in a new position at the GRAC--and beyond--that were centered around student needs, fostering safety, resources, and connection in our community. His impact has been an exemplary model of service to the division of student affairs and the rest of the university.

He is always reliable, executes goals, centers compassion, is honest with feedback, and always remains humble in his service to others. Many of our WU students model some of these traits, but Oakley is a gem who captures many and often utilizes these skills at the same time. This is most evident to me when I see how respected and valued he is by his peers.

Oakley has been a devoted change maker on our campus, but he operates in the background in his efforts to center the needs for others. By listing his notable accomplishments, it may be surprising to some people to hear that he was the one behind many of the successful programs at the GRAC and initiatives supporting trans people in our community on a larger scale. This demonstrates a servant leader who prioritizes the outcomes, not the attention garnered in the process. Oakley is an outstanding senior worthy of this recognition.


  • Gender Resource and Advocacy Center
    • B4B Program
    • Support Space community
    • WU SafeZone
    • Lavender Graduation Planning and Implementation
  • Trans Advocacy Committee
    • Updated Campus Pride Index
    • University Trans Inclusion Statement
    • Planned inaugural Trans Awareness Week
  • Theatre - Tech and Lighting
  • Craft Club

Raul Marquez Guerrero

Raul Marquez Guerrero

Raul has been exemplary in his Alianza leadership role; leading the club to hit fundraising goals for the scholarship opportunities that Alianza provides, creating more and more programming that centers Latinx identity and culture campus wide, as well as organizing a truly wonderful Dia de los Muertos event that was better than anything I have seen put on during my time here as a student or staff member.

Raul is incredibly involved both in the community and at Willamette. While his formal leadership on campus may not show up in the traditional sense like other nominees I believe the informal and behind the scenes work that he does is still exemplary.

His work on campus has always been grounded in the support of some of our most underrepresented communities and ensuring that they have spaces on campus and communities in which they can feel shared experiences and a comfort in. His leadership speaks to the improvement of diversity on campus and the student experience for those diverse populations.


  • Alianza Club Member and President
  • Willamette Events Board: Event Organizer

Riley Jasper Daniel Clark

Riley Jasper Daniel Clark

Riley displayed both a great willingness to learn and collaborate alongside. Riley always looked for new opportunities to innovate, be it improving on existing programs and events or developing all new ones. Riley has consistently been one of the most involved students on campus. Riley has always been dependable as a resource, and Student Life has gone back to Riley time and time again to represent PNCA.

Riley has innovated to continually provide new opportunities for students to showcase their talents and develop as professional artists. Without Riley's developments of new programs and events, the PNCA student body would not have the same level of opportunities that they have today. Riley worked to develop the leadership roles he held beyond just what they had been in years past. Riley took the initiative to increase engagement in the annual BFA Juried Exhibition by introducing prize support for our top artists. Riley also expanded the professional practice opportunities that our students flexed during the Holiday Art Sale into a Summer Art Sale as well. Riley's work as a student leader has always been on providing students more opportunities to put their work out for the world to see, and to reward them for their participation and hard work.


  • PNCA Student Council - Special Events Coordinator
  • PNCA Student Activities Council
  • PNCA Orientation Ambassador
  • Halloween Cult member
  • Theatre Club member
  • Outdoor Club member
  • Manga Club President

Robbie Daugherty

Robbie Daugherty

Robbie has served as a leader on his team, in the athletics department, and in the office of admissions. Specifically, Robbie has had an influence on our departmental efforts around LGBTQ+ inclusion. Robbie spoke out in a video around inclusion the department produced in the fall. Robbie also moderated a panel of former student-athletes who identify as members of the LGBTA+ community for our annual Professional Development Series. Robbie contributes in SAAC meetings and is an important representative of our department.

Robbie didn't have to share so much of himself with our inclusion efforts, but he did. His vulnerability, bravery, and openness has helped us move the needle forward on LGBTQ+ inclusion and has shown others the power and need for inclusion in athletics.


  • Men's Varsity Swimming
    • Team Captain
    • Underclass Representative
  • NWC Scholar Athlete
  • Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
  • CAS Office of Admissions
    • Ambassador
    • Social Media Coordinator

Sarah Munk

Sarah Munk

Sarah gives 110% to all of the commitments she is involved in and works hard to foster community in the involvements she is in. Working with her is always a pleasure and leaves a positive impact in every space that she participates in.

Sarah is humble, kind, and works hard to support others in their endeavors. As WEB VP, Sarah has gone above and beyond expectations in order to support WEB event planners -- she helps them learn about event planning, ensures their success while also giving them the autonomy and guidance to work creatively on their own. It has been a pleasure to see Sarah grow within her own WEB leadership roles. She has held roles of progressive responsibility in WEB while also contributing to other areas of campus at the same time.

Sarah has been an extraordinary WEB member and executive team leader. She has worked hard to ensure that WEB members feel supported and challenged in their roles. She is one of the top VPs and members.


  • WEB
    • Vice President
    • Event Planner
    • Graphic Design
  • Spanish Department and DLS
    • Spanish Tutor
    • Spanish Study Sessions Co-coordinator
  • Climate Action Alliance member and formerly an Events Chair for a year
  • Skate Club member
  • Disability Advocacy Club member
  • Alianza Publicist and Member
  • Former International Program Assistant at Tokyo International University of America

Surya Lee

Surya Lee

Surya has done extensive work to support the WU student community concerning topics of sexual health and reproductive justice. Surya has been a leader when it comes to identifying ways to enhance our intersectional lens and address constructive criticism of our programming efforts. Surya has been a LARC and Carson grant recipient and worked as a health researcher for Marion County, all while performing many duties as a leader in various Student Affairs departments, including her commitment as an athlete.

One thing that sticks out about Surya's contributions is her ability to overcome adversity. She has endured an injury related to her sport, which required a shift in priorities. As a committed student and leader, shifting these priorities was a challenge, but in doing so she developed life skills that some student leaders are still grappling with (like the importance of sleep for enhanced productivity and wellness!). These were hard lessons she was confronted with but she maintained her commitment to supporting WU students in her various leadership roles.

Surya's strength and ability to connect with others is what stands out. She is someone who demonstrates active listening, empathy, and curiosity when interacting with others. Not only has she been an incredibly reliable and creative strength at the GRAC over the last two years, she has elevated other students in the process. Surya's extensive involvement in Student Affairs is what sets her apart from others. Surya has worked tirelessly throughout her four years at Willamette to improve the health and wellbeing of her fellow students.


  • Gender Resource and Advocacy Center
    • Sexual Health Resource Specialist
  • Resident Advisor
  • Varsity Swim Team Captain
  • Student Athlete Advisory Committee Member
  • Community Service Learning Service Projects Coordinator
  • Intramural Supervisor

Vanessa Leilani Sanders

Vanessa Leilani Sanders

Vanessa was a bold and informed voice for social and racial justice, for equity and inclusion, and for changes to WU culture and policy that are long overdue. Vanessa has been a constant presence in conversations and actions dealing with equity and BIPOC representation. She is a dedicated community member and thinks incisively. She has been consistently involved at all levels of the university in trying to create change.

Vanessa has been an exemplary member of the Willamette community. She continuously stands up for herself and other underrepresented students. She has served as a great role model for what it means to occupy a space within your identities while respecting and acknowledging how my identities are influenced by my whiteness. In addition to this, she navigates the terrain of allyship providing support for all students no matter their identity.


  • Student Representative on the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Committee
  • Black Advisory Committee: Co-founder
  • Black Student Union (BSU) President
  • Native and Indigenous Student Union (NISU) Co-President
  • Queer Trans People Of Color (QTPOC) Director of Programming
  • Office of Admission Ambassador and Social Media Team member

Senior Keys

Senior Keys are presented to members of the senior class who are the most outstanding and who go above and beyond and stand out for their meritorious service to the Associated Students of Willamette University. These students are leaders of multiple clubs and are broadly recognized by the student body for their work. Recipients are selected based on their time and effort spent in the name of Willamette University, the diversity of their activities, and their impact on other College of Arts and Ƶs students.

These recipients are honored for their service to the Division of Student Affairs and ASWU programs.

Adriana Escorcia-López

Adriana Escorcia-López

Through her campus involvement, Adriana has cultivated an inclusive group culture: allowing and encouraging everyone to grow within their own roles and fostering positive team dynamics. Adriana leads with confidence, care, and with a strong ethical framework.

Her co-curricular involvement has helped to improve programs and process, group dynamics, organizational functionality and the general student experience at Willamette.

“It is an honor and a privilege to see peers like Adriana give their heart and soul to get involved, make an impact, and then pass along what they know to others. Anyone who knows her knows how earnestly she applies herself in everything she does, and those who don't have certainly seen her face or heard her name.”


  • WEB
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Event Planner
  • Bistro Staff
  • Willamette Academy volunteer
  • Alianza membership
  • Resident Assistant

Alana Duong

Alana Duong

Alana’s work as a peer mentor, both to the first-year students and to her peers has been outstanding. She has helped to develop first-year programming around DEI and strives to create the most inclusive environment possible.

She is a mentor and colleague to students in several programs, helping others to achieve their own programmatic and learning goals while also being a kind and compassionate leader.


  • CSL Assistant Program Coordinator
  • Lead Colloquium Associate
  • Colloquium Associate
  • Bishop Advisory Committee Member
  • Mid Year Orientation Leader
  • Opening Days Leader
  • Club leadership: Health Professions Club/IHI (President), Chinese Taiwanese Culture Association, Biology Club

Clara Nithiaparan

Clara Nithiaparan

Clara is very organized and timely with her work, paying attention to detail and always careful to bring assignments and projects together efficiently and with accuracy. Clara is a deep thinker often stretching beyond expectations. Clara is brave, resilient and resourceful. She has achieved success through hard work, commitment to her goals, and dedication against many odds. She is relational and empathetic. She values human connection over everything, and I believe that is what makes her a wonderful leader and community-builder.

Clara makes a positive impact via her ability to make connections, build team relationships, and make people feel seen. She leads with the understanding that that doesn't mean she has to be involved in a million things, or be the person speaking all the time. She understands the value of group goals and collaborating to achieve them. She has made a tremendous impact on the community of international and transfer students and is more than deserving of this award. Clara's contributions have made WU a better place. She cares for others, works hard to uplift and support others, and does it all with kindness and compassion - and a joyful smile.


  • Communications Specialist, Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
  • Staff Writer, The Collegian
  • ASWU Senator
  • Operations Intern for Admission
  • Language in Motion Coordinator

Cristina Chapa

Cristina Chapa

Social justice, access to education, and music have been at the center of Cristina’s time at Willamette. Cristina has shown exemplary contributions to all their roles at Willamette, they are an outstanding member of the Willamette community that constantly fosters a place of growth and development. They work to create spaces on campus where underrepresented students have a voice and can celebrate their identities. Cristina not only creates spaces, but uplifts underclassmen in their work and efforts to improve campus and life overall, therefore stewarding the future generations of Willamette.

Cristina is a student who is always looking for growth. Cristina is known for their positivity and critical thinking. Cristina has stood out through their balance of keeping students accountable and authentic care and concern for students’ overall socio-emotional health.

Cristina has given our campus an opportunity to come together and heal. When I think of how Cristina will be remembered after graduation it will be through bright colors, live music at the Bistro, and living life at a slower pace. I believe Cristina’s contributions have impacted student’s ability to make connections and experience joy during their college years.


  • Musicalia Project
  • Outdoor Program Leader
  • Steppin' Out Leader
  • SOAR Volunteer
  • Tandem Music Director
  • Willamette Academy
    • Academic Mentor
    • Summer RA and Teaching Assistant
    • College Track Mentor​​
  • Leader of Tandem

Kela Iwata

Kela Iwata

Not only has Kela spent the majority of her time at Willamette planning and executing events for the student body as a whole, but she has also focused her efforts on student populations that may need extra support. Despite year-round practices and in-season games, she finds the time to give back to the Willamette community.

It is an understatement to say that Kela is outstanding. Not only does she dedicate her free time to finding ways to improve student life on campus, but she always goes well above and beyond what is expected. It is fitting to call her "Wondergirl" for being able to make such a large impact on campus while taking on and succeeding in her academic and athletic commitments.

Kela is an outstanding person and has helped her organizations thrive and grow.Kela is an overall fantastic addition to the teams. She is a student that contributes to a lot of things - and does them all very well


  • Hawaii Club Secretary
  • Lu’au
    • Committee head
    • Lu'au choreographer
  • WEB
    • General Events Planner
    • Publicity coordinator
  • Women's vVarsity Volleyball Team
  • Bearcat days host
  • SOAR Center - Clothing Share Coordinator
  • Intervarsity Member
  • NCAA Baseball and Softball Ball Shagger
  • NCAA Lacrosse Stats Substitution
  • Willamette Bearcat Host

Kelli O’Brien

Kelli O’Brien

Kelli has consistently gone above and beyond in her work. She has touched every corner of campus life. She does not back down from responsibility, and has brought energy and diligence to all of her roles well above that of her peers. She is an exemplary leader in the Willamette community. Kelli also shows great leadership across each of her activities. While many Willamette students are involved, not many can stand upon the list of accomplishments that Kelli can. Even fewer can boast such positive impacts related to their work. The impact Kelli had on each of her organizations is what truly sets her apart from any group.

Kelli has been dedicated to the full Willamette experience since the beginning. She has used her time to better herself and those around her. She was incredibly dedicated to the things she cared most about and always put others first. She went above and beyond her job descriptions and the impact of her work is evident, regardless of which of her activities you select.


  • WEMS
    • Medical Supervisor
    • Executive Director of Outreach, Personnel, and Education
  • Lead analyst in two psychology labs (forensic and cognitive)
  • Tutor- Chemistry & Psychology Departments
  • IHI mentor
  • Chemistry Club President
  • Colloquium Associate
  • Opening Days Leader
  • Chamber Choir

Kelsey Wong

Kelsey Wong

Kelsey has dedicated a lot of time and effort to Willamette University. This is reflected through the diversity of her activities (athletics and multicultural organizations) and has had a tremendous impact on other Willamette undergraduate students, as she has helped many of them through her work in student organizations.

Kelsey has demonstrated significant efforts to improve the quality of life for others through involvement in a number of student-led organizations. Her co-curricular activities on top of her busy academic and athletic schedule highlight her dedication to giving back to the Willamette community.

Kelsey found the time to give back to the communities closest to her heart. She is Ms. Aloha of Willamette University and shares her aloha spirit wherever she goes. During her time at Willamette, she has put smiles on her peers through her leadership roles in clubs and organizations.


  • Hawai'i Club Social Chair
  • SECURE Club Co-Founder
  • Willamette Student Life Committee
  • Student Athletic Advisory Committee Communications Director
  • Willamette Varsity Softball (Northwest Conference All-American Scholar Athlete)
  • Willamette Mosaic Mentor
  • Willamette Biology Departmental Assistant
  • Willamette Public Health Intern

Shione Mochizuki

Shione Mochizuki

Shione carries herself with so much grace and passion that it comes as no surprise that she does a lot. When she learns about a cause, she will do everything she can to make sure things get done well. Shione goes above and beyond when it comes to taking care of her peers. Not only does she find time in her busy schedule to complete her responsibilities, but she will also offer support and guidance to those around her. Her ability to put the well-being of others first makes her truly one of a kind. Shione is one of the most selfless people and has a heart made of gold.

Leading and moving organizations towards action and success has been difficult during COVID and Shione has done this well. She has created supportive communities that may not have existed without her involvement. Her hard work and dedication have contributed to many successful events for the school. She is successful because she is organized, is a great communicator, and a visionary.

She leads by example and people respond to her leadership. Shione is different in that she didn't take on these roles because she was building a resume, she did them because it's her passion and saw an opportunity to provide for others. Shione cares deeply for the WU community and the overall Salem community (and beyond). Shione's overall contributions and hard work have surpassed my expectations. She is one of the few students that are involved with a lot of things -- and do them all WELL.


  • Hawaii Club
    • President
    • Secretary
  • Lu’au
    • Education and Entertainment Committee head
    • Lead Choreographer
    • Logistics Coordinator
  • Burning Bright
    • Co-President
    • Treasurer
  • Poetry for Life Treasurer
  • Chemistry Club Member
  • SOAR Center
    • Publicity Coordinator
    • Bearcat Pantry Coordinator
  • Opening Days Leader
  • Ohana Leader
  • Residence Hall Association
    • Executive Board
    • Programming Committee
  • National Residence Hall Honorary President
  • American Studies Program (ASP) Tutor
Willamette University

Honors and Awards in Bearcat Excellence

Putnam University Center, Second Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.