

The Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO)

Official site:
Final Deadline: Check Website

The Japanese Students Services Organization (JASSO) provides information on a series of programs for students interested in studying or teaching in Japan.

Application forms for EJU administered in Japan are contained in the EJU Bulletin, which is sold at major bookstores in Japan during the application period. To apply, you will need to remit the examination fee using the prescribed Japanese Postal Services fund transfer form, and then submit your application from a Japanese post office by simplified registered mail (called "kan'i kakitome"). Consequently, persons residing outside Japan who wish to take EJU in Japan need to have a relative or acquaintance in Japan take care of purchasing the bulletin, paying the examination fee, and mailing the application.

Visit the website for more information.

Willamette University

Student Academic Grants and Awards

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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