
  1. Reporting a Fire
  2. If a Fire Alarm Sounds
  3. Mobility Impairment
  4. Prevention and Planning
  5. Extinguishers, Detectors and Sprinklers
  6. Candle/Open Flame Policy

1. Reporting a Fire

  • Pull a fire alarm
  • Evacuate
  • Call 503-370-6911 or 6911 from any campus phone
  • Initiating a false fire report or tampering with fire equipment is illegal, very dangerous, and will result in a fine.

2. If a Fire Alarm Sounds

  • ALWAYS ASSUME THE ALARM IS REAL and exit the building quickly without running. You must exit, even if you know the alarm is false.
  • Use normal exits if you can, but never use the elevator.
  • Before opening a door, use the back of your hand to feel near the top for heat.
  • If the door is hot or warm, or smoke is present, do not open.
  • If the door is cool, open it slowly.
  • Close doors behind you to limit the spread of fire and smoke.
  • If you must exit through heat or smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a towel or an item of clothing, then crawl or crouch.
  • Move well away from the building and meet your fellow residents at the designated location. Do not re-enter until a Campus Safety officer or the Fire Department gives permission. Anyone who interferes with a firefighter or fails to cooperate in any way is subject to a fine and/or arrest.
  • If you cannot exit, place towels or a blanket (wet, if possible) at the base of the door. Open a window, yell for help, wave a towel or shirt. If there is a phone, call x6911.

3. Mobility Impairment

  • COLLINS SCIENCE CENTER, HATFIELD LIBRARY, WALLER HALL: Individuals who use wheelchairs or other assistive devices for mobility should be directed to designated safe areas in the stairwells.
  • ALL OTHER BUILDINGS: Building Captains will check for individuals needing special assistance.
  • Call 6911 to report a mobility-impaired person in Building _______, Floor __, Room_____. If you cannot call, open a window, yell for attention, wave a towel or shirt.
  • Close the door, and wait with the person for Fire Department personnel.
  • NEVER carry a mobility-impaired person unless there is imminent danger. Leave any assistive devices behind and follow the instructions of the individual as to how he/she is best transported.

4. Prevention and Planning

  • Know the location of emergency exits, alarm pull boxes, and fire extinguishers.
  • Report damaged equipment to Campus Safety immediately.
  • Never prop open hallway doors. Many have automatic closing devices designed to prevent the spread of fire.
  • Many items, such as halogen lamps and light-gauge extension cords, are prohibited from residence halls. Refer to "Fire Safety" on page 15 in the "Housing Handbook".
  • Never store bicycles or other items in hallways or stairwells.
  • Fire drills are held in every residence hall at least once each semester. Drills are repeated for any residence hall that does not meet safety and evacuation response standards.

5. Extinguishers, Detectors and Sprinklers

  • Use extinguishers on any type of fire.
  • Report damaged or empty equipment to Campus Safety immediately; replacements will be provided the same day.
  • Wash extinguisher chemicals off the skin as soon as possible.
  • Smoke detectors and sprinkler heads must have at least 18" clearance from shelves, drapes, etc.
  • Tampering with a detector or sprinkler will result in a fine to each room occupant.

6. Candle/Open Flame Policy

As a means of fire prevention, and in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code of Oregon, Section 25.116(e), and Section 1109.8 of the United States Uniform Fire Code, new or burnt candles, potpourri, incense, smoking, or any other open flames are not permitted inside any residence hall on campus.
An exception for specific events or ceremonies may be requested by completing and submitting a Candle Use Requirements/Agreement to the Office of Campus Safety at least 24 hours in advance and between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If an exception is approved, candles that meet the guidelines stated in the Uniform Fire Code may be purchased (at cost) from the Office of Campus Safety. A copy of the approved form must be present in the room at the time of the event.

Willamette University

Campus Safety

Salem Campus

University Services Building
Office Hours:
7:30 am–4 pm (M-F)
Officer available 24/7/365 at

Portland Campus

Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design
Office Hours:
8 am–4 pm (M-F)
Officer available 24/7/365 at

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