

Students who have been approved by their universities to study abroad on the Monterrey, Mexico Program will complete an enrollment process with Willamette University in order to prepare for the experience in Monterrey. If you have not been approved to study abroad through your host institution please see How to Apply under Program Overview.

This page serves as a guide to the enrollment process for the program. Most required materials will be completed and submitted using the online program portal.  Additional detailed instructions for each of these steps below are found in the online portal.  The Approved Student Application button below will take you to the online portal to begin the enrollment process.


Approved Student Enrollment Overview

Click this button to begin the Approved Students enrollment process for the  Monterrey, Mexico program.  Use this only if you have already been approved by your home campus to participate in the program. 
Specific due dates for each item will be posted in the online portal.



STEP 1:  Approved Student Application  (online portal, linked above)

The application and enrollment process will happen within the Willamette University study abroad online portal, linked above. The initial application includes:

  • ILACA Enrollment form  (online portal)
  • Essay  (online portal)
    • Describe your goals for your semester studying in Monterrey. How will you prepare for this cultural immersion experience prior to departure?  (English)
    • Note: If you have already written essays for study abroad applications that have similar content as these questions, you can use any part of those existing essays to answer these questions. 
STEP 2:   Pre-departure forms

Once you submit the program enrollment form and essays from Step 1, you will receive additional forms to be completed in the online portal.

STEP 3:  Program Agreement forms  (online portal)

Read these agreements thoroughly and sign them digitally in the online portal. 

Questions about the enrollment process?

If you have questions about any aspects of the enrollment process, please email OIE Advising at oieadvising@willamette.edu.

Willamette University

Office of International Education

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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