

Keep up the study abroad momentum

Now that you have been in your host country for quite some time make sure you are still exploring, discovering and learning about your study abroad site.

  • Step into that café, pub, store, or museum that you have been meaning to stop by.
  • Take your normal transportation (feet, bus, subway, train) in the other direction...discover where you end up.
  • Have you experienced a sporting event yet in your host country? What about a play or concert?
  • Try something new on the menu at your favorite local restaurant.
  • Ask your host family, local friends or other international friends to try something new to them. Maybe it will be new for you too!

Check your WU email carefully!

  • Info on next semester's registration, scholarship applications, and housing arrangements are coming soon, but not from me.
  • Many offices on campus have asked me to encourage you to read and respond to email. Mass emails can be important emails!

Check out your host country's music

  • Ask your host family or other host nationals for the names of their favorite albums/artists, then share your favorites with them.
  • Look out for local music at Pubs, Clubs, Cafes and Bars. Usually local music is found where tourists are not.
  • This is not only a good language/culture learning activity; it is also a great way for you to reach out to host nationals and start creating friendships.

Double check on credits

  • During your study abroad, your degree audit says FSTD-WU-01 Foreign Study: Willamette Program 3.05*, this is simply a place-holder, your actual credits will be calculated after your program.
  • Contact your advisor/department to make sure the course you are taking will count towards your major/minor if so desired. Maintain any agreements in writing.
  • If you are unsure about how your credits will transfer first ask your program/host university what is considered a full load of credit. If you have further questions please contact me.
  • Check your Willamette email account. Any important announcements from (registration times, housing info etc.) from offices and departments around campus will be through your WU email.
Willamette University

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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