

The Off Campus Studies Committee is looking for a number of qualities that we believe students must possess to have a successful experience away from Willamette and to enrich the entire Willamette community upon return. Your application should reflect these qualities. All the elements of your application represent different pieces of readiness. Other policies and preferences apply in the selection process.

The committee is looking for:

  • Academic achievement at Willamette. All students in good academic standing are encouraged to apply for off-campus study. Transcripts are also used in the evaluation of your academic record. It will include your fall grades. 
    FOR SEMESTER PROGRAMS: If your GPA is near or below 2.70 now or if it may be after completion of the current semester, you can provide an explanation in the application for the selection committee. Your explanation helps the committee understand your circumstances and readiness to participate in the specific program you are considering. Specific program GPA minimums are also taken into consideration.
    FOR SUMMER PROGRAMS: A minimum 2.00 GPA is REQUIRED. A specific minimum can be found on the program page.
  • Qualities of character and social skills. Life in a foreign culture demands patience, flexibility, good humor, good will, and an ability to tolerate uncertainty. We are looking for students who can roll with the punches, who are not brittle, and who can laugh at themselves and the challenging times when they occur. Above all, we are looking for students who exhibit a high degree of responsibility and sensitivity to others. Often the success of an off-campus experience depends on how students get along with each other equally as much as getting along with their foreign hosts.
  • Motivation and curiosity. What you put into it will directly influence what you get out of an off-campus experience. We are looking for students who are genuinely curious about the world around them and demonstrate initiative in acting upon their curiosity. This applies to academic motivation too. Language note: Study in a country whose official language is not English requires that you take language courses during your program.
  • Self-knowledge. The primary journey, wherever you go, is usually an internal one. Students should know explicitly why they desire to go.
  • Advance preparation. We are interested in students whose claimed desire to have "always wanted" to study abroad has actually resulted in their finding out something about the history, culture, and politics of the country in which they seek to study. You should know what other students have experienced too. Language note: Most language programs require completion of at least two years of college-level language prior to participating in a Willamette program and that students be enrolled in a language course the semester prior to the proposed study abroad experience.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Late applications will not be considered. Please adhere to the posted deadline date and time.
  • Full-time enrollment:  A student must be enrolled full-time (at least 12.0 credits) at Willamette University during the semester prior to study abroad. Contact OIE if you need to discuss a waiver for this policy due to COVID19. You will need to be able to adhere to the predeparture requirements in the semester prior to study abroad if you receive a waiver.
  • Enrollment in language class:  In order to participate in a language-based program, a student must be enrolled in the appropriate language class the semester prior to study abroad. This class cannot be taken on an "audit" basis.
  • Year-long study abroad:  Studying abroad for a year is possible however, one of the two semesters must be an exchange program. Exchange programs are indicated on the list of sponsored programs
  • Travel Prior to Program: You may find it is not possible to engage in other international travel for up to 3 months before your program due to visa or registration processes.
  • Passport: You will need a passport that is valid for AT LEAST 6 months beyond the end date of your program dates. Get one now! This is a critical identity document needed for many purposes beyond travel.

 Selection Process

Semester programs:

The Committee's first task in reviewing applications for semester programs is ascertaining whether the applicant is a good candidate for WU study abroad. At that point applicants are considered to be tentatively approved or to be not approved.

The secondary task for the committee is determining a program assignment for that applicant based on the application contents including any conversations in the review period with the applicant, and considerations related to budgets and program limits. 

An "approval" decision notice the student receives includes the final program assignment including a term.

Non-approved applications (semester programs) are considered not approved for semester study abroad, regardless of alternative program preferences presented in the application. In the case where there is more than one semester application for a single applicant (different programs for fall and spring to combine for an academic year), each application will receive a discrete decision.

Summer programs: Applicants are approved or not approved based on suitability, meeting criteria, program space, and strength of overall application in reference to the specific program for which the student applied. For each summer program application completed, a separate distinct decision is made.

Willamette University

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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